I’ve been dating for about a year after I broke up with my ex. I’m a male and 30yo. 5’9″; weight about 115lbs. I almost feel embarrassed just typing it. I go to the gym. I work out. But I have an extremely hard time gaining weight.

On top of that I have an autoimmune disease which makes it even harder. I try not to let it bother me but it does. I feel like I’m almost constantly reminded that I’m not normal or what people expect and it ruins my mood.

It’s just mentally exhausting sometimes and I’m trying to stay positive. Any encouragement would help.

  1. Most women really are not that superficial or care that much. Of all my friends I’m the only one who truly cares about a man’s physique when dating. All my girl friends who are or have been in relationships have dated men who are ‘too’ skinny or have a bit of a belly / are a normal healthy weight but just not muscular. They all care more about being treated right and being with someone they feel comfortable and safe with than dating someone with a six pack. So focus on that and you should be good to find a great woman.

  2. The advantage of a man is he can make up for his deficiencies in other areas. Have some ambition and focus on your career and get a solid paying job, learn to fight or go to the shooting range so you can protect your house from intruders since women value protection and security.

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