I have only one close friend right now and it’s an online one but even with her my friendship is crumbling and not what it used to be.

I have a few friends in real life I can try to make plans with but they’re not many honestly. I want to meet people and have a more active social life. When I was in high-school my friend used to invite me out constantly with his friends so I met a lot of people through him. That was the best way to meet people at the time and I’m kind of shy and not very out going so I kind of don’t know any other way. I’m not sure if I should try to ask those friends if they can invite me out with their other friends once I get closer to them or would that make me look too pathetic and they will cut me off.

I feel really confused, lonely and desperate at this point.

1 comment
  1. Telling others that you have no friends is a sure way to make the situation uncomfortable.

    1) They might start wondering what’s wrong with you that causes everyone else to run away. You’re basically telling them that they’re probably making a mistake being friends with you.

    2) They might feel like they have to be more friendly to you out of some awkward guilt. Friendship as charity, which is not healthy and won’t last.

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