I have spent 13 years just being taken advantage of. I just keep giving and giving, but never get anything.

  1. If you mean putting everyone else’s needs before your own, I feel this too. I recently started listening to my own needs and wants before everyone else’s and it’s been eye opening. You are the only one who and put your needs and wants first. Like when they say on the air plane to put your mask on first then do your children. You need to care for yourself before you can fully care for others. You know what is best for you. No one else can know what is in your heart. Your feelings are valid and you are worth it. Sometimes it helps to get professional help from a therapist to help you set the boundaries you need.

  2. Since the day I met my man he told me it was my life and I should live it my way. He has his moment’s but he was by far the least controlling man I’d ever been involved with + also the most willing to listen and understand me. Life’s to short to dedicate it to someone without getting the same back. I hope you find happiness with a partner who mirrors back your love🤞

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