Ill try to be as short as I can. So basicly everytime I get a bestfriemd, or just a friend that talks to me alot and cosiders me as their best friend, they get introduced to someone out of thin air and all of the sudden I am like a ghost, close to non existent! From best friends to literally getting 3 lines of messeges at best, while knowing hes ha nging out with his newer friend(s)! Why is this keep happening?! May sound incredibly pathetic but at this point there is no way to describe how sad I am about this. I just lost my 6th person I couls call as “best friend” and this time becouse I introduced him an older friend of mine!! I was so lonely in late high school becouse my friend group got good together with an orher friend groul which appearately didnt like me and they ignored me after that! Same happened with my two best university friends, out of thin air a guy appears and the best I can get is a weekly messege, out from “I want you to come” to “if you want you can come” to certain events!! I dont know how understandable my problem was, its basicly that i am always a third wheel, even when we spent so muxh time together, at the end its all forgotten becouse of a newer friwnd of my best friends! Why is this keep happeingn, pretty tired of forcing friendships at this point 🙁

1 comment
  1. Sooooooo the common denominator in all of this is you. What is it that you’re doing that makes these people not really interested in a friendship with you?

    How do you behave within your friend group?

    Are you just picking shitty people who only want you for one thing and once they’ve gotten it they move onto people they actually like ?

    We need more info for more insight

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