What are your tips to having fun and enjoying the moment every time? Is it your mindset, positivity, optimism, or something else?

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  1. You’ve practically hit my Life’s Work with this question! If I had a theme that underpins my attitude it’s Spread the Joy, Inject the Fun! And the main reason for this is ironic — it’s because life has a tendency to drag us down with problems, repetitious tasks, drudgery, annoyances, things just suddenly going wrong etc.

    So my response is to work actively against that. Two people can be living the same lives (or type of lives) objectively speaking, and one could be miserable and the other happy, depending on mental outlook.

    To that end I work on gratitude exercises, positivity where possible (without ignoring the negativity because we ALL have to deal with that, so let’s not pretend it isn’t there), bringing extra enthusiasm to things tends to MAKE things more interesting, and turn boring things into FUN.

    Quick example, my husband and I have to clean the garage every year. Boring! Dirty! Heavy lifting! Just, ugh.

    So I turned it into a concert with tunes, fun times, snacks, etc. We literally look forward to it because it’s a Fun Event now. Still dirty (and hot!) because we’re in Florida, but mindset is everything.

    When crazy weird frustrating stuff happens, I think, wow, this will be a great story to tell the gang! Eventually. If we survive. lol.

    The brain is a powerful instrument, so I try to use it for positive things whenever possible. What you focus on you will get MORE of. That’s really true, at least from my experience.

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