I’m just confused because it’s not like either of us plan crazy things to do together so I can rule out the possibility that she just thinks my plans would be lame. I really can’t pin point it but these are my thoughts: a) she may have bad time management skills thus only asks me the day of or day before to hang and can’t fully commit to when I ask so she says yes to not disappoint but doesn’t follow through (she’s a people pleaser btw) (b) she’s way more outgoing than me and has way more friends than I do so maybe she’s just got too many things on her plate (goes back to time management) (c) I’d rly hate to think this is the case but perhaps she thinks I’m too available to her and doesn’t value my requests/time but rather just hangs when it’s most convenient for her. I don’t know about this one cus she’s told me how she rarely ever has that much fun with others and that she genuinely enjoys our jokes and my company.

I was going to omit this part but it’s important to note we had liked each other and decided in the end not to move forward cus she wants kids one day and I don’t. The above all happened prior to us ending our brief but intense crush. I’m trying to get over her now but this part hurts me and is sort of hindering my ability to fully release her (we’re both women). Regardless, I’ve never come across a situation like this in a friendship, crush, or relationship. Generally if either side wants to hang we eventually plan a time whether it can be right away or a later date but never just one side only initiating somewhat last minute and not wanting to be invited out.

  1. She needs to listen to your needs as well.

    She is also letting you down by dropping you at the last moment.

    She lacks maturity and empathy for your emotional needs and the affect it has on you.

  2. I’m in the exact same situation. Try to initiate and she just won’t respect my time and needs.

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