When a part store offers free installation when you buy a set of windshield wipers, do you take them up on it or put them on yourself?

  1. I ask them to do it. If I fuck up, I have to resolve it. If they fuck up, they have to resolve it.

  2. The first couple of times I had them do it just so I could watch them and learn and then afterwards I took a stab at doing it myself and since then I’ve been replacing them on my own. There’s no shame if you don’t know how to do it or you’re having difficulty with the wipers.

  3. I do it myself but I’ve taken them up on the offer once or twice. If it’s really hot out and I just got cleaned up and showered they can do it.

  4. Free installation!? What is this?? Wipers £10. 2 mins of shop grunts time to install £5. It’s a racket. If you can get them done free, hell yea. But where??

  5. It’s so easy to do, that I wouldn’t trust some punk at a parts store screwing it up.

  6. I always take free service in things that could go south. Not being liable for damage is something I would pay money for and they are offering that for free.

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