I know this sounds ridiculous but here’s the context:

My husband and I have 3 kids aged 8m, 2m, and a 10 month old girl. I’m also 6 months pregnant with with another baby. We were absolutely not planning to have another baby nor did we really want another baby but we know we’ll love him/her all the same (while we’re pro-choice, personally we could not terminate and adoption is also not an option for us).

Honestly it took a while for us to come to terms with having another child but we *will* be getting sterilized after this and will remain abstinent until that can be achieved.

Now currently I have a decent sized vehicle with 5 seats that fits our family very nice currently. It’s fully paid off, insurance isn’t crazy, and it has good mileage. I also take excellent care of it because it’s the first car I’ve gotten without any help. But with the addition of another child, we won’t be able to fit everyone into one car and my husband doesn’t drive.

We’re currently looking into mini-vans and I just never knew how outrageously priced they were. Used minivans are going for 40k-50k$. We don’t want a 3-row suv as our 8 year old doesn’t have the best control with doors, plus the pricing isn’t any better.

Not only do we need a knew car, but we need a new stroller that’ll fit 3 kids instead of 2. So the one we liked that would work best is another $1,000.

While yes we can afford these changes, with the help of loans, we don’t particularly want a monthly payment. My hubby and I were joking about how to earn some serious cash fast, and he joked that we could always sell our baby’s name i.e. someone would pay us a certain amount of money and they’d get to name our baby ANY name they’d want no matter how ridiculous.

I laughed it off because that would be crazy but I don’t think he’s joking anymore. He said he could easily make a post in the right sub or somewhere online and he honestly thinks he could get $50,000. Honestly I think he’s absurd, 1. no one would ever pay that amount to name a child, 2. Why would you want to? I wouldn’t want some random person picking our child’s name.

He keeps asking how much would it take for me to agree, $50,000? $100,000? $500,00? Etc. I think he’s insane and I’m not sure what to do about this situation.

  1. If he isn’t joking he’s in for a rude awakening when you shut that shit down. Lol. I wouldn’t pay him any mind.

  2. >Why would you want to?

    There are a lot of ridiculous people who do ridiculous things.

    The question is, how are you going to explain to your child why you named them Avada Kedavra?

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