I’ve realized that a common factor in my last few relationships is that I overshare leading to a false sense of intimacy with my partners. It never felt unnatural to tell my partners. I always thought it was endearing when they would ask me about my past. One thing would lead to another and I’d end up oversharing.

It gave me a sense of trust knowing someone cared about my issues. The issue is that they wouldn’t feel the same. I would just be trauma dumping to artifically build a bond. I know it’s an issue now, and I just want some advice on how to slow down but still seem emotionally vulnerable with my partners in the future.

1 comment
  1. Oh wow… I … feel called out. I do this a lot. I never really thought of it as ‘fake intimacy’, but you are right. I overshare to try and create a quick bond, to feel like they care. Is it really artificial?

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