Women of Reddit, how do you feel about men or even other women commenting on unshaved legs as being a bad thing?

  1. They should keep their unsolicited opinions to themselves. There’s no reason to go around announcing that like a toddler with no filter.

  2. I don’t really care. If they want to shave their own legs go for it, I’ll shave mine when I want to. I don’t deliberately avoid shaving and I like the feel of it being smooth but if others don’t like it, fine

  3. If they don’t like it, don’t fucking look at it. Shave your own damn legs then and stfu.

  4. I feel they are totally out of line and that they can keep their opinions to themselves.

  5. Unshaven legs are the absolute worst. Let’s have all the men start shaving immediately

  6. They should mind their own business. I don’t even understand their reasoning. I can understand not liking how it looks. There’s lots of things I don’t like but I just don’t do the things I don’t like to myself and don’t go around commenting on others peoples looks.

  7. Mostly it makes me sad for younger girls and women, it takes awhile for people to find out what makes them comfortable and to ignore society if they even get there at all

  8. (hasn’t happened yet but I would) ask “why do think it’s okay to comment on my leghair? Why should I shave it? My boyfriend doesn’t shave his legs, do you care to comment on his leghair?”

  9. This has never happened to me, but if it did, I would just laugh at that person.

  10. I have no problem with it unless the comments are unsolicited and aimed at an individual versus just general conversation.

  11. If they’re insecure about their bodies, that’s their problem, and I’d appreciate it if they stopped protecting that shit on me.

  12. It irritates me to no end, especially when it comes from men who are covered in hair. They don’t consider that it is a very time-consuming and expensive task.

  13. It makes me tired, honestly. I don’t understand how these people have the energy to care so much about things that don’t impact them in any way, shape or form. I certainly don’t have the energy for that.

  14. Before 25, I didn’t have the courage, to leave the house, when is nice outside, with unshaved legs. Now – I don’t care anymore.

  15. It depends on the context. If you’re openly discussing unshaved legs as a topic, people need to understand that everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. An opinion is simply a personal preference. People often make the mistake of expressing their opinions as general fact. Phrasing this as “I *personally* don’t like it” rather than “it’s ugly” would already be progress. However, if it’s not a discussion but rather openly commenting something negative and unsolicited about someone’s appearance please keep your thoughts to yourself.

  16. If you don’t like unshaved legs, shave your legs. But let anyone else do their own thing and don’t give your irrelevant opinion. You don’t matter.

  17. I’m in my early 30’s I shave my legs in the summer time but come the cooler months and I’m in pants forget about it. People at work make jokes. I honestly don’t understand why it’s such a big deal. It’s like women who don’t shave their legs are unkept ? Or have let them selves go. Personally im just comfortable in my own skin and don’t give a rats arse to what’s considered lady like or whatever shaved legs fall in. Let women do whatever the hell feels right to them. Long live the hairy legs

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