Which everyday activity brings you the most joy?

  1. Sleeping, no care in the world, no problems , no life issues..away from all the depression, fights.., thoughts, every damn thing.

  2. Making a coffee first thing after waking up. Nothing is better than the first sips of coffee in the morning before work.

  3. Sitting with my friends during the break at work. Sometimes we talk, sometimes we just sit there eat and chill. They are the best people in my life, but we live far away, it’s hard to meet up, so it’s all we have

  4. I’m 63, and go to the gym everyday to walk 6 miles in the treadmill. If the paramedics don’t show up and I can drive home myself, I consider it a win..

  5. Pooping. A good soft, solid poop with a clean wipe.
    That’s the atuff

  6. cooking. I Cook about 5 to 6 days a Week for me and my family its just relaxing and lets me try New Things.

  7. Working out for me too. Since I started, going to the gym has become my safe space. It’s a form of meditation for me and a way to exert all of my negative energy.

    I often walk in stressed and anxious, and walk out with an entirely different mindset.

  8. Lifting some heavy ass weights and getting a sick pump. Aside from waking up to no children in my life, any activity is joyful then.

  9. Reading. The most relaxing breaks I have at work are the ones where I have a newspaper and a cup of coffee. Something about the physical pages in your hand is relaxing and walking away having more understanding of the world and people around you makes me feel more confident.

    I’ll throw this on here: subscribe to a newspaper, whether it’s the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, your local paper, whatever. You don’t know how many amazing connections I’ve made just by being able to identify with someone purely from a news story I read about their home country, city, etc.

  10. When I get home from work and my kids and dog come running outside to greet me. I’m

  11. This sounds super cliche’ but sitting down and pulling off my steel toe boots at the end of a hard day’s work. It’s like an instant endorphin release.

  12. Reading a good book. It is such a rewarding hobby if you are picky with your books. Basically set yourself up for success before you even start reading it.

  13. Taking a shower. For the most part it is the only alone time I get while I’m awake. I just focus on the water, and let it wash away all of my worries from the day.

  14. I get home from work and the wife and I cuddle on the couch for a couple hrs and watch TV and nap.
    It’s so relaxing

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