What expectations did you have for your puberty? Did it turn out well?

  1. Honestly I just expected that I would grow up from child into an adult. I never thought that being a teenager is such a different experience. Also not very pleasant one…

  2. I expected I’d become thirsty as fuck. Sometimes I am but it never turned into anything.

  3. That I’d turn into a skinny Led Zeppelin looking guy like I thought all teenagers looked when I was a kid. Did not happen.

  4. T.V. made me think I’d instantly turn into a twenty something year old. The reality is it sucked.

  5. Well, I was hoping for a big dick and lots of sex. All I got was a patchy beard and a lot of hair in places I’d rather not have. I didn’t even get any taller. Universe gave me a fat middle finger.

  6. I didn’t expect going from the lightest to the darkest voice in school, growing 16 cm (around 6″”) and getting 18 cm (around 7″”) long p*nis hair in like 4 months

  7. Bigger boobs. But I stunted my growth with an eating disorder when I was at peak puberty. Got some small B cups now. I would have been unstoppable if it weren’t for that

  8. Saw my first naked girl at 13 (she was 15, family friend and neighbor). Kissed my first girl at 15. Had sex at 17. It turned out well enough.

  9. I’m a little on a fence – I got strong, masculine jawline at 24 (!), my beard and chest hair at 28, so both late AF, and my body composition hasn’t change even in the slightest throughout whole puberty well into my mid-20’s (I was skinny as a stick at 12 and I was skinny as a stick at 26). BUT I’m tall and my dick gained a very decent thickness, so I can’t complain in these two departments.

  10. i expected it to be that rebelous movie phase not that awkward i like to keep to myself becouse my shlort got a mind of its own phase.

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