It’s no mystery to some that women have dating preferences, which is fine. Women are applauded for having high standards, which I think is a good thing. But for men when we have certain standards or preferences we sometimes get shamed. Whether you like big girls or not, whether you like girls with a big booty or maybe petite. I find it hypocritical that one gender gets preferences while the male gender is sometimes told “if you don’t like (insert trait) girls then you’re a (insert insult)”. So please share your stories and maybe some of your preferences.

I myself do like “thicker” girls, but have been shamed not liking what I would consider a fat girl. I’ve also been told I was shallow and insecure for not dating girls that were interested in me but that I just had not interest in myself regardless of their body types. I believe that just how women shouldn’t be forced to date a person that is interested in them we as men should have that same option without being shamed for it. I do understand that most of this leads to women like liking rejection, in any case no one should be shamed for having preferences regardless of gender.

  1. Dude you are giving this too much energy, those girls aren’t fucking you why care what they think

  2. don’t let the woke police get you down brother. if you like something you like it and if you don’t like it you don’t its that simple

  3. Who cares what you like as long as you’re not a dick to those who don’t fit your standard.

    Doesn’t have to be too complicated

  4. A fellow thick girl lover. It’s the titties isn’t it? Combine that with the hips and ass. Gooooooodamn.

    Those women giving you shit? Ignore them King. They’re projecting their insecurity on you. Everybody’s taste is their taste. For instance, I don’t eat certain foods and I don’t eat certain women.

  5. why do you care about what other women think? go for whatever you want and fuck everyone who tries to make you insecure about your desires.

  6. So, you are going to get shit, no matter what your preference, if you’re complaining about not having a GF but using your “standards” as an excuse for not dating someone that’s available. Better to keep your standards to yourself, and just say “I don’t feel any chemistry there.”

  7. I think women and men both equally get judged for judging people on superficial things.

    Don’t women get the same shit when they say things like “6ft and over” or “has a house”?

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