I suspect this may depend where in the country you are…

Here in Lancashire I feel like I can certainly count the number of pleasant days we’ve spent in the garden this year on one hand. Disregarding those two hot days, it’s been a cold, forgettable summer.

  1. Co. Durham it’s been a very sunny summer. Past week has been very wet but garden has needed it!

  2. I’m in Wales and I agree, though when I’ve tried researching, all I’ve been able to find is our summers on average are getting hotter year by year but with increased rain fall. I don’t know about you but I wait all year for these summer months and it breaks my heart when it’s shit! I feel like we have cycles in the UK, a couple of years with shit summers then one year where its awesome. The first year of the pandemic felt like a really hot summer, I remember us in the garden loads!

  3. Yorkshire here and feeling the same way. Before the heatwave it didn’t feel like summer had arrived at all, and since the heatwave it’s largely been mild and drizzly.

  4. Down south has been majority sunny, warm and very dry. Last weeks been a bit naff but yeah guess it depends on location

  5. No has been sunny and pleasant most days haven’t had any rain which probably need

    In Cambridgeshire

  6. It’s been lovely here almost every day since those two hot days. Could do with losing another few c tbh.

    (Home Counties)

  7. Same as last year. It’s not just the heat bit so many days where it’s just cloudy all the time.

    I miss blue skies.

  8. People keep saying “we only had two hot days” ignoring it was over 30 degrees the day before we had those hellish 40 degree days.

    The weekend before that was also scorching. It’s been dry and warm mostly even if we haven’t had blazing sunshine every day.

  9. West Midlands has been rubbish too. I feel it has been more unpredictable than usual. With random rainfall.

  10. I don’t know- the past week has been a bit rubbish but we have had lots of lovely weather here recently- S E side of West Yorkshire.

  11. North west

    Basically the same, had a week or two in June it was sunny and fairly warm

    Since July its been about 4 hot and sunny days and overcast / raining every other.

    Fingers crossed for August

  12. South Wales and it’s been mostly hot and dry, with bits of rain occasionally.

  13. I’m down south and I would kill for a bit of rain right now. It’s clouded over a few times but just seems to have made it miserably humid

  14. Have you heard of London bias? Well this is Lancashire bias. It’s been fine apart from those 2 days.

  15. County Durham, had almost 2 weeks of it with 2-3 days of crazy scorching weather (Skirting 30).

    Raining now though, still warm!

  16. On average this has been the driest year since 1976 in the UK.

    Where I live, since the heatwave it’s basically been cloudy and humid every day but not that nice, so it’s not hugely pleasant

  17. It’s been a beautiful summer here in South Wales. Warm, though sometimes a bit too hot. Some days are cloudy, but still shorts and tshirt weather. Very little rain

  18. Other than July, the entire year has been shite in NE England. Cold but not wet until the back end of May. June had a few nice days but mostly dull and cloudy, July had a few days of really hot weather but wasn’t even always sunny and it’s rained almost every single day since the heatwave.

  19. See those two hot days were enough for me man, I’m a Northern European in every sense….Don’t mind rain or snow, and a grey day is a fine day to me!!

  20. Birmingham has been a bit lacklustre. Probably about 7 out of 10 days are cloudy, not much rain but a little drizzle, odd day of sunshine. Nothing compared to the absolutely Saharan summer we had in 2018.

  21. I’m also in Lancashire and my impression is that the summer has been fine. Not amazing or poor, but a decent number of sunny days mixed with some rain and overcast spells.

    Is this week’s poor weather affecting your perception, perhaps?

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