Alright, I know I already posted on here about making friends, but school starts in 9 days and I’ve been having little anxiety attacks just thinking about going back. When i was in 4th I’d be so anxious to go to school I’d vomit so I’m scared that’ll happen again. Tips to prevent disaster when school starts, & to help anxitey calm?

  1. Lol just enjoy school man. There’s nothing to be anxious about, literally every adult wishes they could be in your shoes again ready to start 7th grade.

  2. All thats secondary little dude. Like yes play with everyone and make friends but you should really worry more about grades, sports, music, art. Doing what you enjoy will help you make friends. You can use that to relate to other people. Even with school theres other kids studying hard you can hangout and study with. When i was around your age like 6 of us would do that on the days with tests to see how much we all knew or joining a team and training with them couple days a week. Just do your thing with people who also do the thing and easy friends

  3. it won’t be a disaster. i’m 26 and remember the sheer panic i had for the entire week leading up to the first day of 7th grade. what a waste of time. no amount of worrying will change the outcome of your first day. what kind of disaster are you worried about? plan your outfit, groom yourself, eat breakfast, get your backpack together and enjoy your day. the first week is always the easiest! be kind to every classmate, even if you’re not friends. we never know what someone’s going thru so always speak kind.

    it was hard for me every year, i didn’t get out much and socialize during the summers so it was always overwhelming for me. journaling helps, try to journal a little every day. it will get easier, it’s the stage of development. it is called adolescent egocentrism. it gets harder before it gets easier. talk to your friends, family, and teachers about your anxieties even if you think they don’t understand because adults always seem to say the wrong things haha. i promise you: we understand, we care, and we want to help make it easier. your feelings are normal and valid, they will seem to control you for a few years until eventually you learn how to have a solid grip on them. you’re going to do great! enjoy school and remember..grades aren’t that important. school is for learning not measuring. enjoy the learning process!

  4. I remember being in the same shoes as you, so worried for my first day of 7th grade. I remember walking into my homeroom on my first day, and attempting to sit on the wrong side of the [chair]( like that one (i went to the side with the bar blocking it). I felt so embarrassed but no one noticed. When the girl sitting next to me walked into class and started to do the same thing, I warned her before she could make as much of a fool of herself. That girl ended up being one of my best friends for the next five years and although we don’t talk anymore after HS, just being open to talking with her on the first day helped me out a lot going forward. She introduced me to a lot of new people and people that are my best friends to this day still.

  5. Yo, do not be worried about it. Say hi to everyone one and see who says hi back. Don’t worry about the social structure of school. Your there to learn something and increase your personal intelligence. Other people’s opinions shouldn’t matter, you be you and be proud of it.

    The fact that you mention it, especially on a social platform, shows the strength you have. Don’t worry so much.

    It will be what it will be, you only have control over your actions, so only worry about your actions.

    Yes, I am a father, this year my kids grades 9, 5, 4 and 2.

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