I (18m) can not get over my (18f)’s past relationship. I was a virgin when I met her… had not kissed a girl or really done anything with a girl besides freshman year I got a handjob. My girlfriend on the other hand had a boyfriend sophomore year and they had sex. The way it goes, he wanted to have sex, she said that he has to ask her out first, he did, they had sex… all in the span of a day. It just hurts that this horrible relationship of him using her for her body continued for 6 months. I am going to get into therapy because after 7 months of dating I can not find closure but figured I should ask you guys what I can do.

1 comment
  1. You need to get used to this idea, because it’s only going to get worse. People are only virgins once. As you get older, the chances of someone having had previous partners is going to increase, and it’s quite possible the number of previous partners will increase too.

    It’s meaningless. It doesn’t change who she is, or where you both are now with your relationship.

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