What movies does your partner insist on showing you?

  1. We have a giant list but the one on the top of that list is Leon the Professional

  2. She always makes me watch weather based movies(Day After Tomorrow, Twister) while I make her watch sports movies(Space Jam, Remember The Titans)

  3. He doesn’t insist but he likes a Hitchcock movie so we have been getting through them and I’m really enjoying them.

  4. She’s the biggest Star Wars nerd, before I met her I had never seen Star Wars and now I’ve seen them all multiple times

    There’s a like 2ft wide Lego deathstar that lives in our living room

  5. Lord Of The Rings Extended Editions.

    But since those movies are fucking boss I’m not complaining any time soon.

  6. He INSISTED I watch The Big Lebowski.

    I agree it’s an all star cast, and obviously a classic, but I actually didn’t find it all that interesting or funny… which is probably a ME issue, not a movie issue.

    I don’t… really… get… a lot of normal comedy. I like dry wit and sarcasm. I grew up on Cohen Bros., Wes Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, Stephen Spielberg, Tim Burton, David Lynch, and classic B&W cinema with directors like Orson Welles, Frank Capra, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Michael Curtiz, Jean Renoir, Stanley Kubrick, John Ford, Robert Hamer, and Alfred Hitchcock. He showed me The Big Lebowski, I showed him Born Yesterday (1950) because I still love Judy Holliday. Lol.

  7. Good ones apparently. He hasn’t been wrong yet so anytime he has a suggestion I’m for it

  8. The Room!

    He’s been trying to 7+ years to get me to watch it. I have refused every time but I don’t think he will stop until I give in.

  9. my partner always wants to show me movies that i have no interest in. yesterday, they insisted on watching the godfather for the hundredth time. they love it, but i just can’t get into it. it’s too long, too slow, and too serious for my taste.
    i humor them though, because i know how much they enjoy it. but i can’t help but think of all the other things i could be doing while they’re glued to the screen. maybe this is why they’re always insist on watching movies with me… so they don’t have to do anything else!

  10. He keeps adding movies to the list of “I can’t believe you haven’t seen these.” I can’t remember a lot of them now. Most recent was Avatar because the sequel is coming out. I’m sorry but I don’t really care about it because I never saw it in theaters and I think that was a huge appeal factor for it.

    I do watch a lot of movies but it’s a lot of horror or rewatching old favs. The boyfriend doesn’t like horror or old movies (especially in black and white) and prefers sci-fi and action.

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