
  1. Too many. Finally got sick of fixing and replacing shit so I grew out of it.

  2. Can’t think of a time.

    Couple times I was in my head stewing on something and was clumsier than usual but I don’t remember intentionally breaking things over it.

  3. I have too many things to fix as it is to be throwing tantrums and breaking more.

    This is utterly childish. You need to grow up and find an outlet for your anger that doesn’t make things worse.

  4. I used to do too much of this, but it’s been a few years now. I had a lot of issues simmering within and a lot of times when they reached a boiling point this is how I reacted

  5. Not since I turned 15 and learned to control my emotions.

    How do people reach voting age, and still think that throwing temper tantrums like a toddler who lost his binky is acceptable behaviour?

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