Women here love to say how most men are succeeding and not struggling, if they were desirable or attractive they would not be struggling/get rejected, the men in here are simply some fringe minority of undesirables etc etc.

This is quite clearly not true, as evidenced by the abundance of attractive men with less attractive women. You see the reverse as well, but for different reasons.

Some evidence/examples:

Good looking men get rejected all the time, quite often by women less attractive than them.

Good looking men have to work to get a woman less attractive than them and still frequently fail.

Anyone who chooses to believe good looking men generally have their way with women is simply not being honest or realistic.

  1. >Good looking men have to work to get a woman less attractive than them and still frequently fail.

    Maybe you aren’t as good looking as you think. Or maybe your personality sucks.

  2. It’s almost like there might be other reasons to date someone than what zero-Wolfe considers attractive

  3. It’s very difficult for guys, I can’t dispute that. But you can’t just judge things based on looks alone. Personality is probably more important to a lot of people

  4. This post doesn’t exactly scream nice things about you. Maybe it’s the way you talk or the way you phrase things. Anything is possibility.

  5. So you’re saying looks aren’t as important to women as having a good personality…..?

  6. That just sounds like they have a bad personality because surprise! looks aren’t the only thing that matters to us. We actually care about who you are as a person.

  7. No this isn’t true. I’m a 29M, recently divorced and share a 3yo girl with my ex-wife and live in a one bedroom apartment. I’m also an Asian, which is almost never the first race that women go for. Can’t say I’m drowning with girls, but I don’t have much of a problem either in dating.

    Sure I still get ghosted and rejected, and my life situation might put me at a handicap, but that’s just what comes with being a man. I put all the hard work into hitting the gym, working on my career, and making sure my little girl is good.

    Women want a man with ambition and willingness to overcome difficult life obstacles. The less you make women a priority, the more likely they’re going to make getting you a priority and I’m speaking from experience

  8. All it really indicates is that there is more to it than looks. I don’t see how that’s a problem.

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