This guy told me that I’ m the he wants to be with but he cant let her gf go because she has a life-long disease, has suicidal thoughts, and she is very dependent to him. So we see each other behind her back. He didnt want me to leave him and i am so confused on what to do. I know what we did is wrong but I somehow feel sad for him because he is stucked. What should i do? And what should he do? #relationship #complicated

  1. You really want a relationship based on not only based on lies and cheating… but also taking advantage of the loneliness and grief surrounding being the primary caregiver for a dying spouse…. wow

  2. He may be telling the truth or telling lies but either case how much this will work like that ? If you hang out with him just because of fun or sex that’s another thing and it may be beneficial (disregarding moral values) but what about if the things got more serious and he still can’t let her go ? This dynamic is doomed to be broken in the future so continue your path with knowing that fact.

  3. I think both of you need to grow up and either commit to one or the other. But I’ll just say if hes willing to cheat with you, he will cheat on you.

  4. You’re a simp and a bad person right along with him, he may say he’s stick but you’re the only one making the decision

  5. Chances are his is either completely lying to you or massively exaggerating. If she was really that bad and he could not handle it anymore, he would have found someone to help her.

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