This post will be vague for my protection.

Today, something snapped in my (21F) head, and I need to leave my (24M) boyfriend. I just can’t handle the abuse anymore.

We moved out of state together closer to his family, and I have no family near me. I have no friends in this state. No job, and no savings.

I also have a service dog and I do not want to leave him behind. He has been such a help through this, and I’m unwilling to let him go.

My family cannot help me financially, but if I am able to get home, they are willing to let me share a room with my sibling.

I do have a good resume, and just took off work to help support him at home, while he takes over the bills. So I know I can find a decent job once I am back home.

Does anybody have advice on what to do? Or how to go about leaving under these circumstances?

  1. Do you have a vehicle? Can you do food delivery to save up? Just tell him you’re only going to do it while saving for a new laptop or something.

  2. Call your local domestic violence center and request assistance. They will help you create a safety plan and guide you towards resources available to help you leave. You’ll need a letter from a doctor stating the need for a service dog to assist you with ADLs if you decide to stay at the shelter. Try posting on subs specific to your situation rather than here 🙂

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