Just curious about what person in your country that most people will readily agree is a terrible person, **outside of politics**.

Edit: To clarify, let’s set aside serial killers and famous murderers too. It goes without saying that such people would be widely reviled.

  1. Emiel Ratelband, this “motivational coach” and “neurolinguistic programmer” who is just absolutely toxic as hell and keeps pulling ridiculous stunts like trying to get his legal age lowered cause he’s relatively healthy. He just tweeted out hitler was right 90 percent of the time.

    Although he has dipped his toe into politics on occasion and immediately caused that party to fall apart.

    Another option is Dave Roelvink, a model and the son of a really corny singer, who is basically famous for a living and competes in game shows. Dude has leaked a sekstape of someone he and his friends essentially robbed at her party.

  2. Roula Pispirigou because she tortured and killed all her 3 children and together with her husband she also killed a woman, stole her money, looted her house and even sell some of the victim’s stuff online. And the even worse thing is her family is like “She’s innocent. She did nothing wrong. The children died because of genetic problems” and other bullshit. It’s considered the worst crime in Greece since decades or even the crime of the century.

  3. Living people, probably someone like [Rose West](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_West), who along with her now deceased husband Fred tortured and murdered 9 people in the 1970’s and 80s. There have been more hated folks, perhaps the likes of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, or Peter Sutcliffe, but they are dead now.

    Also potentially Andrew Wakefield, the doctor turned anti-vax nut behind the fraudulent claims the MMR vaccine caused autism.

  4. First thing that came to mind is a group of people nicknamed la manada (the pack) by the media.

    They raped a drunk 18 year old girl, recorded it, and they were declared innocent due to a horrible mix of antiquated laws and conservative judges (the law required violence or intimidation for something to be defined as rape, and it was ruled that the implication of potential violence by the presence of the group wasn’t explicit enough).

    The case was extremely followed in the media, a rare case where people of the whole political spectrum agreed in their disgust, and it lead to an update on the laws and a sentenced by the supreme court where they were sentenced to 15 years in prison.

  5. [Hagamannen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklas_Lindgren) is probably a strong contender, at least in the northern part of the nation. Though some time has passed he still won’t be able to enter the city of Umeå without at least getting beat up. Serial-rapist, left a woman out in the snow so she almost died from hypothermia, bit the ear of another and attempted to throw her into an icy river and another victim was only 14-15 years old to mention some of them. He got released a couple of years ago and it didn’t take long until a couple of guys found him in another county beat him up with a golf club.

  6. Mate outside of politics makes it extremely hard for France. The most hated are all politicians.

    I would say Cyril Hanouna even though a portion of French people love him, many people loath him though he is the stereotypical scummy TV presenter who make vapid TV shows where he pretends he is a nice relatable person when he is actually an awful tyrannical asshole.

    Before Zemmour got into politics he was a far right TV pundit and was absolutely reviled by most people but now he is officially a politician so he is off limits.

  7. Historically, maybe Luísa de Jesus? Mass murder who found out that the government would give you a small stipend if you adopted an unwanted baby. She set up a foundling house for infants, collected her stipend, and then killed them (33 before she was discovered).

    António Luís Costa is a modern serial killer who I think is still in prison.

    But Diogo Alves is the most interesting. He
    killed 70 people in Lisbon and for some reason they have preserved his head, untouched, for 181 years: https://assets.atlasobscura.com/article_images/42149/image.jpg

  8. Xavier Naidoo. He’s a singer turned right wing conspiracy theorist. He has always been a nutjob, but not in that way. And a super successful singer. I think there were years when he was the most successful singer in Germany. He wrote and sung the unofficial hymn of the national football team of the world cup 2006. He was huge. Then he started to utter slightly right wing stuff and people became suspicious. He wanted to sing at Eurovision years ago, but people initiated a shit storm because of his alleged political views and the responsible TV station axed him. Ever since it’s gone straight downhill and he’s not even subtle anymore about his views.

    Similar story with Attila Hildmann. He’s a vegan chef turned even more right wing conspiracy theorist. He certainly has wet dreams about becoming Germany’s next top dictator. He has a telegram channel where he distributes his seriously dangerous thoughts to millions.

    Oh and there’s Michael Wendler who is a cheese Schlager singer turned COVID truther. He was also über successful within his specific music scene. He even has a reality TV show. Then he moved to Florida and became Florida man. He divorced his wife of decades, who was also his manager and got together with an 18 year old German high school graduate who then moved in with him in Florida and then he talked to the press about popping her cherry. He was like 50 back then. They are married now. Then he was a judge for the German version of American Idol and had a meltdown on set and was let go. I’ll have to read again what exactly transpired there, but it was nasty. He flew back to Florida and tweeted that he’ll never come back to Germany and the whole country exhaled. However, when COVID came, he added COVID truther to his CV and opened a telegram channel to spew his nonsense.

  9. It really depends on who you ask but I’d say Ryan Tubridy. He hosts the Late Late show which years ago would have been the show everyone turned on the TV to watch. The original host was basically a national hero.

    Tubs gets great guests on the show so you’d often tune in to watch it but he’s just awful at interviewing. He constantly asks the same predictable questions like he’s the examiner in a language oral. He also really plays into the Irish heritage thing when Americans come on and its just cringy. Like they don’t bring up their Irish heritage he does

    I know this sounds very time for him to be really hated, most of its just people taking the piss out of him but there are some people very upset that he ruined one of the best shows on Irish television. It doesn’t help that he’s the highest paid person in the national broadcaster and didn’t take a payout during the recession. Theres also the r/ireland conspiracy that he’s a coke addict.

  10. I’d say anyone who goes on Love Island is loathed by anyone that isn’t the target audience for the show. The show itself has a history of malpractice mental health. With suicides being more than one, British reality tv is very toxic and the target audience ignores it until it becomes a reality they can’t ignore then something else is made. There’s many other British celebrities loathed as well.

  11. Srđan Ćuk, more famous under his rap name (General Woo) became almost universally loathed. The one half of a famous rap duo known as Tram 11 (named after Zagreb’s 11th tram line), he stirred massive media frenzy lately with his Facebook rants and his abysmal comeback album. Tram 11’s discography always had some….touchy opinions, but he went nearly fascist with his latest album and his online rants. Basically , Croatia’s own full QAnon conspiracy theorist.

    Marko Perković, also known as Thompson, is another great contender, although more divisive (he still has a large fan base). He is an (in)famous country singer known for singing anti-Serb war songs during the 90s. One only needs to look at the audience on his concerts and you will *immediately* see why – his more rabid fans are called the Black Legion, and they are basically a Neo-Ustashe organjzation (literal blackshirts, they also wear lapel pins of the Croatian coat-of-arms [the red and white chessboard] that are missing the shields – which is the Independent State of Croatia symbol – the Ustashe state). He is banned from Germany and the Netherlands, and was known to incite football riots as well. He denied being an Ustasha or a fascist in general, but, like I said, one look at his stage audience and it’s subtle as a kick in the face.

    You also have Neven Ciganović, our own “celebrity for the sake of it”. Poster boy of r/botchedsurgeries (seriously, he was the sub’s avatar pic and he cannot be posted anymore). He is more of a cringey man who apparently [inspired the Puri Puri Prisoner from One Punch Man](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/fqswi5/perfect/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). He dressed as a Squid Game extra for a contestant when he *was* one on a game show, and is rather open about his private life and well….sexcapades and playboy lifestyle (but, ya know, Slavic boi lifestyle, which is nowhere near as wealthy and influential).

  12. As of now i think the most loathed person in Norway is a man called Shaman Durek. He is an american self-proclaimed shaman, space-lizard, and galaxy. Also he is engaged to Princess Märtha of Norway, which is why he recieves so much attention.

    He’s made a series of very controversial statements, including that cancer in children is self-inflicted. Just last week he was selling medalions to cure corona, for the sum of $222.

    And the cherry on top that i think makes people’s blood boil is that he hides behind racism and claims people are criticising him because of his skin-color(he is african-american). When in fact most criticism is due to his wacky and dangerous explotation of sick people.

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