Back story- I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant with my 3rd (partners 2nd) and last week was in and out of hospital and need to be on bed rest. Been told he is here to support me, you don’t need your parents help. We have a 1 year old who is currently sick and very demanding. I’ve just found out I have spicy cough too. I have many serious allergies.

What happened today- last night partner got 7 hrs sleep while I had the baby then he got up at 2am, took the baby to lounge room and got angry so I went back to bed for the first time, I woke coughing and vomiting causing other issues with my placenta previa (extremely serious condition- can be life threatening) I went to tell him and was told to go to bed, so I did and messaged him what had happened, was then woken at 630am to banging and crying baby while he slept. I assumed that text was ignored. This morning he’s walked through the house with work boots (wears on-site with animals who are not toilet trained which I’m seriously allergic to) I find the mess and got to clean up with wet cloth and end up with hives and asthma attack needing my nebuliser and ask what was on the floor, I was told nothing and mentioned my hives and asthma. Again ignored. I get 2 messages while he’s at work and I’m home with 2 kids trying to vacuum and mop and shower and get everything clean so I can not keep reacting. A call comes through (from partner)while I’m trying to open the messages so I answer, my 6 year old is talking at me and I ask “hang on” and tell her to wait, que the yelling about hospital….. so I say I’m fine and try to get off the phone and stop the yelling, I then say goodbye and hang up, more messages come though calling me names and abusing me for messaging him at work so I agree to not message at work in response to him as I had sent none until I was contacted (messages copied below) still getting called names.

Him-Do we need to go to hospital?

Him- Why can’t I call you
(Call taken here)

Me-I don’t need to be had a go at for messaging you last night. Bleeding has slowed.

Him-I don’t need to be told “ wait a second “ and then you still don’t reply when I’m trying to make sure your ok and not in need of the hospital

Me-I said “hang on” as (the 6 year old) was talking over you and I asked her to “wait a second until I’m off the phone” so she’d sh&t up and let me hear you and speak

Me-You were angry last night and had told me to go to bed so I thought it best to send a message explaining why I came out. I don’t appreciate being had a go at for something out of my control. I’m sorry I’m trying my best.

Him-I don’t appreciate these messages, as all I was trying to do was see if you were ok

Me-I’m supposed to know why you are calling to yell at me but now it’s checking on me. I’m confused.
I’m supposed to resting. Can you please stop calling to yell when you know stress is not helping my severe condition. Thank you

Him-Can you reframe from sending f&$@ked up messages while I’m at work… I know had lots of sleep but some of us didn’t , and dealing with pitiful shit while I’m working really pisses me off

Me-Ok. No more messages or calls in response to you.


Me-The only messages I’ve sent while you are at work are responding to yours.
I’m covered in hives thanks to whatever you brought into the house this morning. I have enough to deal with.

Him-Still being a F&@$kwit… I’m working, don’t message unless you need help with medical shit

Am I the f&$kwit?

  1. You’re in an unhealthy relationship. He’s being incredibly disrespectful both in terms of your health and with the name-calling. Him walking around with filthy shoes inside is not only bad for you, but for your kids who play on that floor, and it doesn’t sound like it’s an accident so much as he’s trying to punish you or else he would have cleaned up after himself.

  2. Why are you continuing to have kids with him if he acts like that and if you are very sick? I had 2 kids and that was enough for me

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