Within the last 2-3 years (basically since covid and this new world that were in. I’ve started watching a lot more of the news and true crime documentaries. I have always refrained from watching scary movies and anything related to crimes in the past because I always believed in guarding your heart and your eyes. I believe a lot of horror movies change people psychologically and I’m starting to believe the same with investigative and crime documentaries or media. It exposes people to gruesome acts and shows them what a human being is actually capable of. I believe it influences people and gives them ideas, as a lot of times killers and criminals are glorified to a certain extent..ex. Elliot Rogers, Ted Bundy ect. People who are truly fucked up find relate-abilities in these criminals, because often times they are “bullied” or just don’t fit into society. So an audience member who is also not fitting in or doesn’t feel loved and welcomed in society feels understood and finds comfort in the lives of these criminals. The same thing with school shooters being talked about on the news, and us finding out a week later another person went and did the same thing. It’s almost like a way to be known and be remembered, even if it’s for horrible reasons. I do also think the reason mass shooters are often men is a power dynamic thing but that’s a whole other issue. Anyways I have been watching myself and my mind change as I’ve watched more and more (tik toks) and documentaries and I’ve grown to not really want to have roommates, friends, go out shopping, date, talk to men talk to humans in general lol! Ofc all those things are a bit dramatic and irrational in a way but it’s made me realize that social media and these crazy algorithms and the amount of media and content were being exposed to, really give a person the ability to create a sort of reality that can either be heaven or hell.

I’ve stopped consuming that content and I’ve finally deleted tik tok for good. These apps and technology can ofc be used for good, but man it’s so easy to get sucked in. I’ve even had to leave those subreddits that ppl confess their biggest darkest secrets in. My mind just can’t take it. It makes me trust no one. People do some fucked up shit and often times an innocent person pays the price.

I should add that I grew up in rural Ethiopia without much technology the first time I got my own phone was in 2018 and I didn’t see an actual phone till 2012. I come from a village where we eat dinner with our neighbors and call the elderly grandma out of respect even if it’s an old lady you’ve never met. I didn’t expect the world to be so evil. I’ve been in the U.S for 12 years but I’ve guarded the media and the content I consume so in a way I stayed ignorant to it, but I kinda liked it that way.

* okay this was a tad bit all over the place but I just wanted to see if anyone else can relate.

  1. I’m going through a phase where I only watch/listen to things people survive, so I completely get what you’re saying.

  2. I agree the mind IS a powerful instrument! And you’ve given me some food for thought for when I watch True Crime as “entertainment.” Is that really the best use of my time?

    I often say “You get MORE of what you FOCUS on!” So it makes sense to have our brains focus on positive things, uplifting things, and things we want to get BETTER at. (which is definitely not True Crime!)

    That’s also why it’s important to try to add positive, supportive people in your life who will encourage you in a great life direction.

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