I had an encounter when I wanted to return a product. The customer service agent was rude and was confidently telling me that instead of their mistake that I was in the wrong (about something I made sure to triple check before visiting the store). As I was heading out I could hear them mutter a snarky comment. A part of me wanted to say something back but I didn’t want to be perceived as the angry customer being rude to the worker. Nonetheless I felt frustrated at how I was treated.

Does anyone have tips for how to stand your ground (or general communication tips) when it comes to encountering people in these situations (rude, confident, snarky, overpowering, etc.)?

  1. People make snarky comments as you walk away to get a negative reaction out of you. Not reacting and maintaining your inner peace is the best response

    The more important time to speak up was in returning the product to get the return. Did you stand up for yourself there?

  2. And that’s why I do martial arts. It’s good and relaxing to know that you could beat the shit out an entire room of people (or a person in special) but you won’t because the little s*** doesn’t worth it.
    This situation happened to me a lot and it feels good to realise that the person is soo petty that she doesn’t believe anyone will ever confront her and I don’t know about you, it’s this view of “lol this person is really closed minded to believe she’s a big shot when she isn’t” that gives me strengh and initiative to stand agaist these people, when I choose to.

  3. I find it ironic that these customer service people are reacting in service to a faceless corporation who OUGHT to be giving your money back. What’s in it for the customer service person to be rude? AWFUL!

    Anyway, maybe a response like, “If you were in my shoes you’d probably want to be treated politely. That’s what *I* would’ve done for YOU.”

    And let them chew on that for a while.

  4. I think it all comes down to the way you were raised, if you were able to speak out as a kid and teen, you probably know how to stand up for yourself as an adult. I normally reply in a sassy way or give them a dead stare, but if I’m in a good mood or with friends, I usually just brush those people off cause I’m not letting them ruin my day.

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