I am just curious how do straight men feel when they touch other men . sometimes I see staright men being affectionate holding hands , hugging , in some countries giving cheek kisses . while some time you find men just careful not to touch each other at all or just being insecure about touching other men so I don’t really understan and I am just wondering how do staright men feel when they are affectionate with other men .

  1. Expressing love and affection for a friend should be normalized. However to what extent should determined by culture and parties involved.

  2. It depends on the culture, most of them don’t care since it is almost automatic (like the cheek kisses for example)

  3. It’s usually just unnecessary. I’ll hug and shake hands with my friends. Pat them on the back or nudge them sometimes, but I never feel like we have less of a bond because I don’t touch them all the time. Why would I?

  4. Feels good, bro. I’m a hug-y, touchy kind of guy. The warmth of it radiates through your whole being and you suddenly don’t feel so alone anymore.

  5. Personally I don’t like physical contact very much. A brief hug with close friends or family if I haven’t seen them in a while. Firm brief handshake otherwise. Nothing more for me, thanks.

  6. Definitely depends on the culture. Here in the states there can be a stigmata about other men touching…That said: for me it depends on how good a friends I am with them. Aquaintences and basic friends I see when I go out I will do the whole handshake arm around the back hug. My good friends? …ho boy…umm, we hang all over each other like we’re “gay for each other” pardon the expression. And the more drinking leads to more shenanigans. Musicians are weird.

  7. I’m a handshake guy & the occasional bro hug to a military buddy that I haven’t seen in awhile. The cheek rub is reserved for when we’re in full military dress @ formal occasions. Danes are usually very touchy feely guys especially the metrosexual type guys that wear a little makeup, skinny jeans & tweeze their eyebrows.

  8. It’s really really simple. If you don’t want to fuck other men, you either don’t see the point in touching unnecessarily which is fine OR you’re lucky enough to find a group of male friends who are physically affectionate and won’t get weird about it which is also fine.

    We literally have no problem with women doing this.

  9. The only person that gets to do any of that with me is my gf. I wouldn’t even do any of that with my female friends and I don’t like it when they touch me. Has nothing to do with insecurity, I just don’t like it. Idk where you saw straight men holding hands, but I doubt that’s the norm in that country.

  10. My best friend held my hand home from the bars after I had a few too many. All I could think of was “holy shit women like this?? His hands are calloused af and his fingers are too big to comfortably fit between mine” otherwise I don’t care

  11. I don’t affectionately touch people I’m not either related to or aiming to fuck.

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