Sometimes I see these friend groups that are super close to each other and meet up every day to do things together. They go on trips and vacations together and they basically look like a family. I have seen a friend group that decided to just sail the world for a whole year together. I really want to know how those type of friend groups start and what it takes to grow so close to each other.

I am a pretty social person and I can say I have a decent amount of friends in different friend groups, but none of the groups are so close as I described above. How do those type of friend groups grow so close together?

  1. By all being fucking retarded wierdos in highschool doing what we wanted to and not caring about everyone else thought. Plus always being in the same year class helped.

    5+ years after highscool and we still hang out almost every weekend and normaly go away 1 maybe twice a year for a week together.

  2. Played on the same soccer team, that’s pretty much it. Other close groups we went to school together or I just fit in with a group that was already formed.

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