My bf and are have been having space for a week now. Originally he suggested a break as he thought things weren’t working out and we both decided on some space and time to get some clarity on things.. he said ok “let’s see if it changes anything” He said he was super sad but thinks this needs to happen.. he mentioned he wanted “me time” and to focus on himself as there are some big life changes happening in his life. His moving house, just finished his apprenticeship so is looking for work/fifo work, financial pressure of wanting to buy a home because his friends are etc.. We have been dating for 1.4 years, never any arguments always a loving relationship. I can be clingy sometimes and maybe he feels suffocated or overwhelmed.

I said to him that I’m here for him, love him, and will support him. He replied back with I love you too. I said I was confused and wanted to respect his space.. he replied back with “if I could just give him a bit of space that he would appreciate it” Every day he was messaging me once saying I hope you had a good day babe or well sleep, and I would politely reply back and match the energy he was giving me. But now I haven’t heard anything from him in 4 days.. and don’t know what to do. We are still in a relationship I believe as nothing about a breakup has been mentioned yet..

I want to reach out and check in with him but I want to show him that I respect his request for space. He is moving into his new place this weekend and I was thinking of messaging him once his all settled “hope the move went ok” just to check in or whatever.. But is this the right thing to do? I haven’t heard anything from him in 4 days.. there was no mention of an official breakup or that we were in no contact. I also want to message to see what’s going on with the space, do we not contact, set some boundaries and limitations… but again I want to respect the space.

I don’t know if I should wait to hear from him? Or send him the Hope the move went ok message.. just to check in to let him know I’m here if he needs to talk/us ready to talk. I’m stuck I have questions but don’t want to flood or add any drama to his life I just want to respect his space as best I can. I feel by doing that I’m already supporting him.. Really need your advice.

tldr; should I reach out or let him come to me?

1 comment
  1. Honestly I’ve always felt that “breaks” are an easy out. If you need a break, most times it’s already over

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