Its one thing if you stuff yourself with food but Im 32 and i just looked at a picture of myself when i was 25 and realized i was a lot thinner. Like man have i really put on weight? I actually thought i was living healthy this whole time but maybe not. It just crept up on me .

  1. It does creep up on people. Most people I knew who were relatively fit at 20 are relatively fat at 40.

    I remember reading about some study saying that people put on about one kg (2 lbs) a year on average. Not much, but after 20 years that adds up to just what you’re describing.

    It’s real.

  2. It did up until I started actively monitoring both my weight and food intake, lost 25kg doing nothing special but conscious eating. From borderline overweight (maxing out the BMI spectrum for ‘normal’ to almost bottoming out.

  3. I noticed it started happening to me since I’ve been driving to work. Basically a lot less incidental exercise which even though I go to
    the gym actually makes a big difference. So I changed my diet, started eating better with more salads and less carbs and I think I’ve halted the process.

  4. You absolutely will put on weight as you age if you don’t do anything about it.

    Luckily, it’s a slow process, and a few small adjustments will halt it. A few larger adjustments will reverse it – I took up running at thirty, and now at 37 I’m twenty kilos lighter than I was when I left college. Make a couple of changes to your diet, take up some form of exercise if you don’t already (and golf doesn’t count unless you’re hitting the gym to improve your drive), and you’re ahead of your 25-year-old self and most of your peers.

  5. Went from almost 100kg last year, to about 80kg now i’m thirty, and felt my body was trapping me.
    Started going to the gym 3 times a week, and limited my portions, snacks and alcohol consumption considerably.
    I’m now almost on the shape I was when I was 22/23 or something, and loving it. It just takes a few adjustments, but they’re definitely worth it.

  6. I’ve been getting slimmer with age, for whatever reason. I used to eat whatever and justify it with “I’m bulking.” Now I just don’t want to be fat, I’ll keep what muscular I can but I’m not trying to gain weight. I weigh less now than I did going into college.

  7. It’s definitely happened with me. I know what I need to do I’ve just been struggling tapping into my self discipline.

  8. I feel weight started creeping up on me when I moved in with my boyfriend. It’s is nice to cook together, and we don’t go out that much. Therefore we eat more and are less active. Living with someone is such a big change in our way of life that we did not realize how much we’ve change our diet.

  9. Not without realizing it, no. I know damn well when I start to creep up past 220 (my typical weight). I hate the feeling. Absolutely hate it.

  10. I just realised this a couple of weeks ago, I’m 32. I was looking at myself in the mirror and relaxed my stomach to see that it was slightly overhanging my belt, I was shocked tbh. I’m six foot five and my build has always been lean / athletic, I put it down to all the booze and food over Christmas and the amount of bread and junk food I eat so I’ve cut back on how much I eat and have already noticed a difference after two weeks. The days of taking my physique for granted are coming to an end it seems.

  11. Pre 30 (now 38) used to miss a meal and I’d be down 4lbs, now 2 months of diet and exercise and plateau weight, wtf

  12. I had a stretch from 2015-2018 where, for a wide variety of reasons, I moved less than before. My weight stayed pretty consistent. I gained a little over a pound a month.

    Each time I weighed myself, I could chalk it up to digesting food or lots of water in the morning.

    At the end of those 3 years, suddenly I’m over 20 pounds heavier and just past the BMI threshold for obese.

    Losing a pound or two a month consistently is a lot harder than gaining.

  13. Definitely happened to me. From probably 6 years old to 25 I was in great shape. I worked out all the time, had a fast metabolism, and never got injured. But going through my 30s it just started going downhill bit by bit. I injured an ankle and took a lot of time off of running. Got ulnar nerve entrapment and had to take a break from lifting…plus with the stress of work and kids I’ve definitely gotten flabby…

    But 2020 is a new year and decade! Here’s to getting back on the horse.

  14. Shortly after I turned 31, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. She was dead a year later after a long, slow, and extremely painful battle.

    At 31, I was an athletic 185lbs at 6’0″. Over the course of a year and a half, I ballooned to 210. I know it’s because I was struggling with depression over my mom. I stopped working out and I started eating my feelings.

    Two years later I am finally now taking my own health seriously again. God damn do I hate being overweight. But I can really sympathize with the people who pack on pounds after trauma.

  15. I had one job where I had an expense card with a high limit and we had a play hard culture. Saw a picture of myself and realized I didn’t fit into my medium sized clothes anymore. Funny part is how different I looked at 170lbs of fat and 158 of muscle. Still gotta drop 13 lbs. it feeling better.

  16. i lost weight 🙁 im 36 and a few pounds lighter than i was at 25 but i am in waaaay worse shape. it’s sad.

  17. It gets away from you. I was in hard denial for a long time. Lost 50lbs. Now I try to step on the scale everyday. Gotta stay aware.

  18. 36 and I’m more fit than ever, I think it’s the last of exercise more than the age (although it plays a factor)

  19. Of course it does. Mainly because of your metabolism slowing down, i would think. Fortunately, i tend to eat less at each meal, so it balances out

  20. I can no longer see my penis.

    I’m not grossly overweight, last I checked I was 90 kgs, and I’m 184 cm tall, so yes, this is absolutely true.

    But I think it comes more from the fact that you don’t weigh yourself daily. Unless you’re watching your weight on a daily or weekly basis, it’ll creep up on you as your body gets older.

  21. Metabolism naturally slows, eating habits get poor, and activity levels drop, it’s really not any secret. Stay active, watch your diet as best you can and weight doesn’t change much.

  22. Nah, your clothes don’t lie. If it used to fit and now it doesn’t, you’ve gained weight. What you do about it from there is upto you.

  23. Yeah. That’s why I weigh myself every day. That determines what I eat that day so my weight creeps back down.

  24. The older you get, the less calories you need. If you keep eating like you did, you will gain weight.

  25. It def can in the winter when you’re always wearing hoodies and coats. That first tshirt day can be a rude awakening.

  26. not at all – I weigh myself regularly and I weigh almost exactly what I did when I was 25. How can it ‘creep up’ if I know what I weigh?

  27. Nope. I started paying more attention to my diet about 6 years ago and it’s second nature now. Takes basically no effort anymore, one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. Saves money, more energy, healthier, and it’s easy to adjust my diet now to adjust my weight.

  28. It sure did for me. I went back to school at age 28, weighed about 205 – 210. When I graduated at 33 I was 250 – 255ish. I gained about 8 – 10 pounds a year. I’m also 6′ 3″, so 8 – 10 pounds is barely noticeable at first. It wasn’t until I weighed in at 233 one day and took a hard look in the mirror that I noticed I had put on some weight.

    Try to keep your life in order, it helps. I was so busy with school and devoting so much time and energy to it that it slowly but surely crept up on me.

  29. Well, I can say don’t have an injury/become suddenly sedentary.

    I was Endurance Cycling 5-6 days/wk at a decent clip until July ’19.

    Got hit by a car and had to have a pretty wicked surgery + Hardware in my lower left leg/knee.

    Am fat now.

    I’m almost ready to truly start moving again (kind of) and I **will** burn it off. But, how fast 15 lbs. of fat showed up in my mid-30’s was *shocking*.

  30. nope. i have a scale and use it daily. it’s a reminder to moderate my food intake, as i’ve got about 20 lb extra and have had for a while

  31. Yep. I’m 6’3″, 34m. Went from a spritely 80kg as a competitive mountain biker in my mid twenties. Went to medical school, developed an alcohol addiction and between the booze, pizza and KFC blew out to 108kg (despite the gym everyday). Back down to 92kg now after cutting out the booze and trash eating. Hoping to dip back into the 80s!!

  32. With the exception of the few people who say to themselves, “Damn, I really need to put on 20 – 30lbs!” I would say weight gain creeps up on almost everyone.

  33. I often wonder if is due to metabolism slowing down, or the modern day version of life speeding up. When you are young, you have free time. You can be active and do whatever you want. At least that is how my childhood went. We just played outside whenever we were not in school. As you get older, you have more responsibility. More time is spent sitting in a car, in front of a computer, tv, watching your own kids play, etc, etc. I am currently 38, unmarried with no kids, and am extremely active due to my “excessive” free time. I am the same weight as when I was 20 years old. Maybe a few more pounds of muscle, which is good. I have seen what you mention in my 9-5 married peers, and it makes me wonder.

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