So I’ve noticed something recently in my dating habits. When I sense that a man doesn’t have the best intentions with me/ will never want anything serious and I’m too attached to get away, ill annoy them to the point of no return so they can leave me alone. Part of me feels like this is okay because then I successfully get these types of guys out my life. But from a pride perspective, it’s a little embarrassing being labeled the crazy girl. (I call a lot, send multiple texts, complain, anything.) I find that when I end things in a calm mature fashion, I end up going back :/.

TDLR: I started to annoy a guy I knew was bad for me and he said to never call him again. Im relieved but embarrassed.

1 comment
  1. i completely understand this. it helps when its on your terms but he pulls the plug so youre without blame. its easy to try and convince him that youre not what he wants because this feels like youre protecting yourself from getting hurt. but you kinda want him to prove you wrong too cuz theres a little part of you hoping that he just *is* the right guy so you can stop all this fucking looking because its tiring.
    I think you should reflect on why you do this. it could be trust issues, or a lack of ability to face your emotions about loneliness head on. Maybe you had an unstable childhood so a calm breakup feels nice because you think “wait maybe he IS mature enough to handle me” so you go back because he took that emotional hit so well. Maybe its commitment issues and youre seeking comfort without the ball and chain of a person depending on you for emotional support.

    Maybe youre afraid of him getting attached to you.

    All of this is super scary and honestly i dont blame you. But you gotta find a way to rise above it so you can give something real, meaningful, and healthy a chance (when youre ready)

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