Hey fellas I’ve gotten in this situation plenty of times where I find myself having to defend my girlfriend because some guy/gal she was arguing with suddenly throws out a very harsh insult (I’m sure you can guess).

Not the same girl either just multiple accounts in different relationships

Sometimes it seems provoked, other times it’s uncalled for. Either way I feel compelled to defend her honor

How do you guys handle it?

  1. My gf is tall and built like a tank, I typically sit back and enjoy the show or try to convince her it’s not worth getting upset. I have seen her drunkard toss a neckbeard across a hall when she and I went to see Endgame. If you are not dating a woman like that, just avoiding conflict is best and then comforting her later on if need be.

  2. That’s some serious attention-seeking narcissistic behavior.

    My ex would get mad at me for her picking fights and then expecting me to step in and defend her when her feelings would get hurt.

    I made it pretty clear to her that I’ll only defend her if she’s not the one who initiated it. She didn’t like that response at all, but I continuously would walk away from her when she’d begin to provoke other people. Forced her to start mellowing out and learn some conflict resolution skills.

    Toxic, toxic behavior.

  3. I once broke a bottle over a dudes head for telling my girlfriend to shut up. I was very drunk, and when he didn’t go down, I thought “This isn’t like the movies at all”. He jumped on top of me with blood streaming down his face onto mine. A mutual friend pulled him off me a dragged him to the bathroom. His girlfriend/my boss grabbed my shirt and picked me up off the floor and said “Can you walk?”
    I replied indignantly, “Hell yeah”
    To which she said, “THEN YOU NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!”
    Apparently his friends had plans to finish me off, but with all the alcohol and chaos,they were slow of thought and action and I was able to leave before anything else happened.

  4. I, with civility, let them know it was uncalled for and try to descalate. Depending on the severity I ask for an apology. If it degenerates, I verbally dethrone them with wits and humor. If they wish to get violent, I show no fear and act casually.

  5. I’d sit back and enjoy the show. My wife is so sharp and her put downs are hilarious. Absolutely something not to miss if you have a chance.

  6. Nothing bud. You can’t control other people. Just be non reactive and walk away. Don’t let some pussy ruin your night. If she’s a drama magnet put her in her place. If she doesn’t like it tell her to get her shit and leave.

  7. It depends…is your woman being a crazy bitch and starting fights with guys for no reason?? because if so you need to sit her down and talk to her about it, that puts you in a very bad position and quite frankly you might consider breaking it off if she can’t control herself…I wouldn’t stay with someone like this, I’ve dated girls like this and they’re selfish, they don’t realize there are consequences to their actions because no one has ever punched them when they step out of pocket…that’s why men don’t usually get lippy with each other, because we understand that it could lead to physical violence and most guys don’t want that…there are women though who run their mouths because they feel like no one is going to hurt them and they have never felt threatened when mouthing off, it gives them a false sense of security and sort of a god complex…like “I’m a woman so no one will hit me” but it puts you in a bad position and possibly her as well.

    That being said if she isn’t being unreasonable and a guy steps out of pocket, I’d put him in his place real quick, and if he stepped to me I’d throw down because that’s what you have to do as a man…that’s the role you play in the relationship, the protector…it just comes with the territory of being a boyfriend/husband BUT if she’s the one being unreasonable then don’t get into a fight, get yourself out of the situation and dump her…

  8. If the guy is small, weak, and you know you can take them in a throw down say “what you say to my GFF foreva bro?!” BUT if the guy is big, strong, and can bend you into a pretzel 🥨 turn to your GF and say “bitch why you always gotta instigate?!” Turn to the man and apologize for your GF

  9. Depends about the course of the argument. If he said something really rude I’d be like “hey watch your mouth dude” and pull her away, but I hate girls that start shit/throw loud comments around like they are untouchable or something. Just looking for drama. And if shit escalates I’d be the one to take a potential beating not her.

    On the other hand if someone disrespects my girl uncalled for I’d tell him to apologize and be ready to throw hands if it comes to it.

  10. Walk over to the guy and yell.


    That was a joke btw.

    Real talk.

    1. always have a good comeback ready.

    2. Women can defend themselves. Your girlfriends should be able to do it MUCH better than most people if they get into constant arguments no?

    It’s very machist thing to “be compelled to defend her honor”. specially for something as menial as an insult because even a 5 year old can insult someone back.

    You should… lend a hand to your SO rather than thinking you need to handhold her.

  11. Depends on the situation. If it’s a chick then she can handle herself. If it’s a guy, assess. If the situation is getting serious separate her from it. Take it outside and handle it. I’ve rarely had to fight because of a gf. Only time was someone was being a drunk racist to us both.

  12. Change your taste in women. Try a demure one who doesn’t think to being independent and strong means getting in people’s faces.

  13. If it were another woman I would let her handle it, if it were a guy I would step in. The level of “stepping in” would depend on whether or not she started it or if it was unprovoked

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