I became acquainted with someone a few months ago. We went to college together but didn’t know each other back then. He is moving back to my hometown area (we went to neighboring high schools) in a few weeks and has insisted on hanging out and getting to know each other better. Our personalities are very compatible and we have the potential to become super close with more time/experiences!

The last time I hung out with him in person, I felt that he was flirting with me which my other friends also noticed. However, he also mentioned he was glad that we became friends randomly. Since I don’t know him too well, I’m not sure if his personality is just flirty.

I’ve developed a light crush and am considering asking him on a date when he moves back. I’m not sure if this is the right move because it could make things awkward. Even if I get rejected, I want to become friends with him. But this might be too problematic for him since we have a lot of mutual friends. Is it better to just let the crush fade and avoid complications or should I bite the bullet and ask for a date (knowing it could invite drama)?

I don’t think it would be too awkward from my side since it’s just a crush/initial attraction. I feel like I can handle rejection pretty well but have seen this scenario go bad for others in my life.

TLDR; Not sure if I should ask an acquaintance on a date because I would like to be their friend and a potential rejection could make it awkward (mainly for them)

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