We all know the, “The waitress was nice to me, so she clearly wants to date me.” , but I’m curious as to what other instances you’ve seen or experienced that made you wonder HOW they got there.

  1. My husband this evening brought a load of bed linens from the dryer and I was folding the fitted sheet. In the process of making room, I tossed two pillow cases aside, and he took that as those were the two pillow cases I wanted on my pillows. I asked how on earth those two things connected in his mind, and here we are.

  2. “Everything in this mall is expensive, they make so much money. I’m gonna buy a mall!!”

    – my nephew, first semester of business school

  3. This may not be on topic, but when I came out as transgender, my dad immideately asked if I was a drag queen, and a bit later, if I was still attracted to women. (Implying that my sexuality had potentially also changed.)

    Like… what?

  4. Pretty much anything mansplaining. What part of a d*ck makes you an expert at anything? At least ask the other persons’ qualifications before you assume superiority and run your mouth.

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