As the title says, my gf of 3 years is cheating on me.She left her discord open and I was cleaning her desk and saw it. In the last, she used to roleplay as characters, but she assured me it was only ever that. But then I saw she sent explicit photos of herself. I hate confrontation, but idk what else to do. How should I go about confronting her?

  1. Simple and sweet “I’m sorry but this isn’t going to work out.” should do.

  2. Confronting her with the intent to get her to stop doing it or just to end the relationship?

  3. Leave a message in that discord chat. She’ll have a hard time weaseling out of having cheated.

  4. She knows everything about me. I love her. I trusted her more than anyone else. I guess it could also be worry about her using that against me

  5. Don’t. Gather all the evidence you can, and play dumb while doing so.

    When you have a sufficient amount of evidence send her an email with it and dump her ass. Then post that shit all over social media so everyone knows and her reputation tanks.

    This is the least of what she deserves. If you confront her now she will trickle truth you, string you along, guilt you, and you will just be coasting from one heartbreaking discovery to another.

  6. Just leave her discord open and leave. No confrontation. No conversation. No contact.

    Block her number and leave her in the past. Don’t give her the space to off-load some of her guilt onto you in the form of gas lighting and bullshit excuses.

    I’m sorry, brother. It sucks, I know it does. It will hurt for a long time, but I promise you will be better. Good luck friend

  7. Well if you want to completely avoid any confrontation you can just print out those screenshots an leave it where she can see it. Never see her again. Or you can just wait till she sees it and see what she has to say if that’s what your looking for. Personally for me I wouldn’t want to hear it. I would just pack up all my stuff of their stuff and never see them again. I hate listening to lame excuses. And I don’t like to be manipulated.

  8. You could always ghost her. She will know why.

    Or leave her a letter saying you know what she’s doing and to not contact you.

  9. There’s nothing easy about confrontation. Unfortunately, the best way to go about it is just be as simple and blunt as possible. Hopefully you took a pic of the screen, in case she won’t bring it up or try to erase it, so you can present your proof and ask for a response. After that, her first words and actions will give you the answers you seek. Trust your gut and know you’re better than that. No one deserves to be lied to and manipulated. Good luck friend.

  10. Start saying verbatim things she said in the discord chat to her in a normal conversation and watch her die inside slowly

  11. Never respond to her, don’t try to get an explanation from her because it will always amount up to excuses.

  12. Text the pictures from her phone to yours and when she goes to text you next she will see them and know that you know

  13. Get all of your emotions out. Calmly go up to her. Say, “I saw your discord chat, we are done.” And pack your things/have her pack and leave as soon as you can. Being angry will make her think she was right to cheat. If she says she still wants to be together or some bs tell her you want her to be happy and clearly that’s not with me (you).

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