What’s the earliest major historical event you can remember happening?

  1. The release of Van Halen I. My babysitters’ boyfriend made me think he was buying the greatest album ever made.

  2. The 2000 election and how the two newspapers we got had different results in the headlines.

  3. Fall of the Berlin Wall.

    Not crystal clear or anything but I remember being at the kitchen table eating breakfast and my parents being transfixed by the morning news on the TV.

  4. The Bhopal chemical disaster (1984) is probably the earliest one I can remember, would have been about 15 then.

  5. The bombing of Hiroshima. It was on the radio news casts. I am almost 84 BTW. I was 7 years old and everyone was celebrating.

  6. The assassination of JFK. I was just old enough to know that something really bad happened.

    Then Neil Armstrong stepping down onto the moon.

  7. I remember how much they talked about the death of Lady Di on the (French) news without really knowing who she was or what her story was.

    I also remember mad cow disease being a hot topic in my family.

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