Fellow Americans we are currently living in a milk Renaissance. That being said what is your milk of choice during these otherwise bleak times?

Oat? Almond? Whole? 2 percent? Skim? Soy? Powdered? Rice? Coconut? Chocolate? Lactose free? Powdered? Raw? Pea? Fermented Horse Milk? Cashew?

I personally like lactose free milk the best, I usually get Fairlife. I also enjoy the classic 2% though it hurts my tummy wummy

EDIT: I’m about to go drink some anyway.

  1. I don’t drink any milk at all. I eat dairy products but I don’t like cereal and I like my coffee black.

  2. I don’t generally drink milk straight.

    But, if I’m craving cereal then I use 1%.

    For cooking, I usually use heavy cream.

    If I’m getting a specialty coffee drink, then skim/non-fat.

  3. Whole, but the nut/oat/rice “milks” are pretty good. Soy “milk” is garbage.

  4. I can’t drink dairy milk anymore, of any kind with or without lactose, but when I could…

    …whole milk! I love that shit. It’s like a dessert.

    When I could still drink milk it was *so good* after a workout.

    If I drank it now I’d be super bloated for hours until I diarrhea’d it out.

    Otherwise it’s almond milk.

  5. 2% and I hope I never get lactose intolerant, I love milk. (Soda messes with me, so I drink milk)

  6. I don’t know what some of the things you mentioned are or if they’re even serious, but 2% is my go-to just because that’s what I was raised drinking. I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with skim or whole, but it seems like most people drink what they did from childhood if it’s still cow milk.

    It always seemed like some weird alternate universe I was stepping into the very few times I visited someone’s house that had the red cap milk. (Isn’t is actually better for baking?)

  7. Whole milk just because my genetics apparently allow me to digest that well into adulthood.

    Why not take advantage of my superpowers.

    My genetics will likely screw me in many other ways so the simple pleasure of full fat milk with no wimpy tummy troubles makes me a little happy.

    I don’t drink it straight up but cheerios in milk for breakfast with some fruit is the stuff of God and angels.

  8. Did you know there was banana milk? Apparently it’s a thing!

    I usually drink Whole or 2% and prefer organic milk. It seems to stay good for longer periods. I can also manage to get it to foam better for my morning latte

  9. Galliker’s chocolate milk is fucking amazing, although I’m mildly lactose intolerant so I don’t drink it very often.

    They need to bring back the old bottle design though. The new one is so bland. At least they still have the yellow gallon jugs though.

  10. Almond milk with my iced coffee. I like the oat milk texture better, but the taste is a little too earthy for me.

  11. I live in the Bay Area now, and those big glass bottles of Straus chocolate milk are stupidly good. Actually, maybe I should go to the store tonight…

  12. Organic Valley Whole Grassmilk is the widely available one I buy most but my absolute favorite is Alexandre Farms. They have an A2 6% milk which is the best milk I have ever drank.

  13. I do love chocolate but for normal milk, it’s 2% or less of good ole cow milk.

  14. Whole with the right breakfast item or snack. Darigold old-fashioned chocolate as a snack.

  15. Coconut milk all the way, nothing else even comes close for me. If i HAD to choose a second, it would be oatmilk.

  16. Whole Milk, Almond milk I would like to try Oat Milk one day and I like to use coconut milk in cooking certain dishes but I think my body wouldn’t like Soy milk since I have a mild soy allergy also nice fallout 2 refence

  17. Regular old whole cows milk.

    Sometimes I like it flavored though. Strawberry is my favorite.

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