So I started seeing one guy..he’s pretty nice but he’s very jealous. Then i started seeing another guy quite recently. The problem is I don’t think either will work out long term. While I didn’t directly say to either of them that we are exclusive, they kind of decided this on their own. The first guy is talking prematurely about marriage etc.
Tbh, I started just seeing/talking to guys casually to try to distract for feelings with my ex who is the great live of my life.

But now I have got into this mess and I feel guilty. I don’t know what to do. I have tried to break it off directly but it didn’t work. I am thinking of just starting fights etc to try to make distance.

Cam anyone advise what to do please because I don’t want to hurt anyone. Is there a way to do it without hurting?

  1. End it before it gets worse. You already laid the line with yourself, you don’t see a long run with them. Don’t waste anymore time, you know what you need for right now so be honest about it. With yourself and who ever you meet later on. It will make it easier for the other while treading with whatever ship there is. I hope you come to a new happiness and adventure.

    Be safe and be well.

  2. Don’t start fights. That’s a cop out. These men deserve honesty, as I’m sure you would want given to you. Tell them straight up you’re not exclusive, and give them the respect of deciding if that’s enough for them once they have all the information they need to make a decision about how and who they want to invest time into. Don’t play games, be an adult.

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