The title already sounds weird so sorry about that.
Basically I’m planning a trip to a beach with some people from my college. We have 3 and need 5, but I have a few people in mind already. I’m the one planning and will also make the payment (with the others paying me their part). I offhandedly mentioned that I’m going to try and find 2 more people when we get back to school, and he mentioned one of his friends. I feel bad because I wasn’t aware they were friends, but me and his friend aren’t on good terms. She frequently will call me an idiot, dumb, etc which is really hurtful to me, so I don’t interact with her.

I don’t care if he’s friends with her, I just don’t really want to spend my vacation being made fun of. When I said I wasn’t really comfortable having her along because we aren’t on the best terms, he asked why. I don’t want to explain it in a way that makes him either a.) stop being her friend, because they deserve to be friends, or b.) interrogate her or make her apologize. What’s done is done, I just don’t really want to interact with her. I feel it’s a very adult thing to just avoid people you don’t like instead of making a fuss and turning others against the person. I just don’t personally want to be around her.

How do I convey this to my friend without seeming like I don’t like her for no reason? Or that I’m trying to turn him against her?

  1. Just tell him that you don’t like her jokes and that it’s a personal preference. Nothing against the person. Surely, your best friend can understand you

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