In my prior post I said My husband threw his phone and pushed me aside. Isn’t it a domestic violation? Why do people tell me Im the wrong one?

  1. You’re a bad partner and no, what he did is NOT a “domestic violation”.

    He was asleep and had forgotten to feed the cats. Instead of feeding them yourself and addressing it the next day, you woke him up and made him do it.

    Next, you turned on the bedroom light while he was sleeping and then left the room. While you were out of the room, he turned the light off so he could get back to sleep. When you got back, you turned the light on again so he went to another room to try to get some undisturbed sleep.

    You followed him to the other room to start an argument. Yes, he threw his phone, but not AT you. Instead he threw it at a wall. He then tried to leave your home and you were physically blocking him. He pushed you aside because you were blocking him – that’s self defense.

    In all of this, you are a bad partner. You’re disrespectful and rude and, of anybody in this post, it’s you that are the abusive one.

    For the curious: [](

  2. Throwing a phone at a wall is not domestic violence unless you were between the phone and the wall as it as it was on it’s way.

    Pushing past someone who is illegally barring your exit from a room or building is also not domestic violence. In fact, physically barring someone from leaving IS abuse and is also an actual crime called false imprisonment.

    In this scenario YOU are the abuser. Leaving out the details of what you did in a new post does not change that.

    Now, I wouldn’t label someone an abuser from a single incident that doesn’t result in any injury. But do this kind of stuff repeatedly especially over an extended period of time, and you will definitely fit the label.

  3. So, you’re pretty stubborn. I read your old post and every comment was down voted and pretty much everyone said you were in the wrong for waking up your husband to make him feed the cats, then tur the light on twice and proceeded to follow him into another room when he tried getting away from you.

    Then you try to play the victim when you finally push him over the edge.

    Go and get some therapy girl. You need it.

  4. No it’s not a “domestic violation” lol. You’re the one who would be considered abusive in this situation since you wouldn’t let your partner sleep in peace. The fact that you claim this incident as “abuse” is humiliating and insulting to women who are actually being abused. You seriously need help.

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