My ex (24f) asked me if im talking to other girls? She’s the one who broke up with me? She asked if i was talking to these two girls who comment on my photos (im not).

Additionally, Im leaving on a trip to europe and she mentioned if i was going find europeon girls. Any reason why she’s been doing this?

She just texted me saying the thought of me with other people upsets her. She broke up with me and its not fair for her to say that right before my trip.

TLDR: Why does my ex care if im talking to girls since she broke up w me?

  1. That’s her problem. The question is, why are you engaging?

    > Why does my ex care if im talking to girls since she broke up w me?

    Because she’s selfish and immature. She doesn’t want you, but she doesn’t want anyone else to have you. You need to stop talking to her so that you can both disengage and move on.

  2. If the thought of you with other people upsets her, then why is she asking you about it and staying in contact with you? I would reply with, “Then we probably should not discuss my dating life any further, since the idea of it upsets you”

  3. I think you should ask her why, because she will know.

    Personally I think it’s strange to get jealous if you broke up.

  4. i get that you probably still care for what she thinks but if she broke up with you, then she doesnt have a saying in your decisions at this point. i would say that you should try to give it a break and not talk for a while, so that you can both focus on yourselves…

  5. Go out there and find some hot Europeans my man. Forget these mind games she is playing. Go and enjoy your trip.

    If she broke up with you, you are perfectly within your rights to ask her to stop contacting you. She cant have her cake and eat it too. Drop contact and go have some fun

  6. Could be she is trying to manipulate you to be her backup. Could be that she still cares about you, eventho she broke up with you for whatever reason. Could be she is just immature. Who knows?

    The thing is, it doesnt matter. Stop telling her about your love life. If she keeps digging, stop talking to her completely. You dont owe her anything once you break up.

  7. Too fucking bad. Be glad she ended it. It saved you having to do it. This sort of entitlement on her part is exhausting. Block her as well.

  8. Jealousy, insecurity, possibly a misplaced feeling of regret like she made the wrong decision dumping you, but she *did* dump you, and actions have consequences. Don’t try and get back together and don’t engage with these loaded questions. If she wants to have an adult conversation about reconnecting in some way, she can do that. If she wants to play games or feed her own anxieties/issues, that’s her problem not yours.

  9. Because she wants to control you, even when not in a relationship with you.

    No, of course it doesn’t make sense. No, it’s not rational in any way, shape or form.

    She doesn’t get to do that. Don’t let her.

    Tell her, “It’s none of your business, and fuck you for asking.”

  10. You should tell her that it could be worse that she could be worrying about all the guys that have been checking you out lately 😝

  11. Listen, forget about the ex getting upset. It’s none of her business. I suggest you just block her.

  12. Maybe she doesn’t want you – but she doesn’t want anyone else to want you either. I would stop talking to her and move on. Enjoy your life, go to Europe and have a blast! Good luck.

    P.S. Sounds like she’s not over you`

  13. As a woman, I can say she’s hella hypocritical and an idiot. And a child. Go have fun. As soon as someone breaks up with you, you no longer owe them anything. Go get some euro chicks for me

  14. And that’s why she is your ex. Dodged a major bullet right there man. Don’t reply to her and don’t give her any possible ways to bring you on your knees.

  15. What are you supposed to do, remain single for the rest of your life? She broke up with you, she gave up the right of exclusivity with you.

    She has no right to ask you a out who you’re talking to or dating, especially as you’re the dumped party in this case. If the thought of others being with you upsets her then she should have thought a out that before breaking up with you.

    Live your best life

    Edit: typo

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