I need advice

I’ve (27M) have been dating this woman (43F) for about a year. Everything’s great but one thing came up…we found out yesterday she’s pregnant…I know. She’s shocked, I’m shocked. She has 3 kids already, 1 being 21 and her youngest is 16. We had a long talk and she wants to keep it, I am perfectly fine with that I’ve always wanted to be a father and I love the baby already, I just did not expect this at all. I love her very much, I get along with her kids and her family and I’m thinking about proposing to her since this has came up. I guess the advice I need is obviously we’re going to inform her kids about the situation (which I have no idea how it’s going to go down) and maybe afterwards once they come to terms with it maybe asking for their blessing? The last thing I want to do is overwhelm them because they’re young. I don’t know if considering marriage is too soon or if that’s something she’d expect. Any advice would be great. Thank you

  1. I would hold off proposal until you’ve both had some time for the information to sink in.

    If you don’t know if she even wants marriage or proposal and you habent talked about it, then DEFINITELY don’t propose.

    This isn’t the 1700s, you don’t need to rush her to church to pretend you didn’t steal her virginity before marriage, the woman is nearly 50 and has kids already. You both need to take time to evaluate your next steps and how you build a life together from now on. This will need a lot of discussions with her.

    Marriage isnt necessarily wrong , bit until you’ve noth had sone chats about the future and are on the same page, proposing is not the answer. You don’t want her to think the only reason you’re
    proposing or with her is because you got her pregnant. But if you propose without discussion, that is exactly what it’s gonna start to look like.

  2. Don’t rush the marriage itself. Become a family first and have the child. Do all that first before you stress about the paperwork and details.

    Work on all the important bonds. Then get the check boxes done if you feel you need to. Enjoy the trip.

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