Basically, I’m extremely short. I’m 5’6 and i can’t see myself growing any taller anytime soon.
Girls please answer honestly; how many of you would reject me simply just because of my height, before you knew anything else about me?

  1. I’m 6ft (30f) and have dated mostly shorter guys, no big deal. It’s all about your confidence in yourself 🙂 love yourself and others will be drawn to that

  2. Not a whole lot. If you have game and look good I think you’ll be fine.

  3. Not to pop your bubble, 5’6 isn’t extremely short. Aside that, do you want to date a girl because she likes your personality or because she is shallow? If you want the first, then who cares about height. Because she wouldn’t.

  4. I’ve always liked tall guys, but now I’m seeing a guy who’s 5’8″, and he’s sexy as hell. I’m every bit as attracted to him as I was to my taller exes. He’s smart and funny and has great hair and gorgeous blue eyes, and he’s a fantastic kisser. What’s not to like?

  5. Some care a lot about it, where it’s a complete dealbreaker. Some don’t care at all. Some have biases against shorter guys because of the insecurity around it.

    Best advice is don’t think about it too much! People will like you regardless, if they are put off by you not being 7ft tall, they aren’t someone you’d get along with anyways.

  6. I prefer taller guys but both of my long term ex’s were 5’7 and i loved them just the same!

  7. i personally dont care at at what so ever. im into short guys but just bc im short myself. as long as i like the guy and he likes me for me

  8. It depends, some women will care. Altho I prefer to date guys taller than me, I’ve been attracted to plenty of shorter guys. 5’6″ is not that short and I’m just an inch shorter.

  9. 5’6 is 3 inches off average male height. If she thinks it’s that extreme ask her if she would be good with a 3 inch dick.

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