I like a person from my workplace, she seems nice and easy going but since we are in different areas and different circles, I haven’t had a chance to talk to her (when we see each other there’s always like 10 or more people and I get shy).

Today I went to get coffee in the eating-room and while making it she entered the room to get water.

She: “hi, how is it going? :)”
Me: “hi! :)))”

Followed by silence and no follow questions.

I got caught super off guard, what are the chances?

I’m dumb and this story is dumb.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

  1. It’s not a big deal man. In fact, she was most likely just trying to make some small talk to break tension. Nothing is blown here and there’s always another opportunity. Just make sure to get some sleep so you can be alert when someone tries to make small talk lmao

  2. Don’t be so hard on yourself. One thing I’ve learned with trying ti date women is when you think you blew it, you usually didn’t. But you will if you make it weird by addressing this. Just pretend it didn’t happen and strike up a conversation another day. I promise you they aren’t that harsh in person. On the dating apps though, yes. Mind what you say it’s very fragile before you meet

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