Warning, description of internal bits!

For context, I’m on my second IUD. The first was improperly placed and actually hanging out of my cervix while the arm was punched through the side for about 2 years, during that whole time my boyfriend never once mentioned feeling it or it being an issue at all during sex. We were on a steady 4-5 times a week so I was a little surprised it never came up after finding out.

Cut to now, I’ve had that one removed, found a new doctor and had another placed. It’s been about a year since then and I’ve had many checkups as I was a little worried based on the past experience. It’s confirmed all good and correctly placed. The strings have had time to soften and settle. When I check sometimes I can’t even find them because they’re really relaxed and tucked up against my cervix.

Problem is, I’ve had three partners since then all say that they can feel the strings and it’s either distracting or painful. One said it was a deal breaker if I wasn’t willing to switch birth control. That seemed like an overreaction to me, it’s the only birth control I’ve had with manageable side effects. I wasn’t willing to give it up.

My question is, what do they feel like from your end and is this a common issue? Or am I just managing to find men who are particularly sensitive to them?

  1. I could definitely feel it everytime and sometimes it hurt.

    More importantly it caused a whole range of negative side effects in my wife and ended up causing an ectopic pregnancy.

  2. It’s definitely not a good or comfortable feeling. Kinda feels like the tip of my dick is itchy I guess? I notice that foreplay and positions affect how much I can feel it.

  3. I was dating a girl and every time we did it face to face I was getting stabbed directly in the urethra. We could only do butt stuff for a bit until she could get the doctor to deal with that but then it was fine. I could still kinda feel it, but only barely and it kinda became a thing because we both knew when I was shooting directly into her cervix

  4. I was with a woman for ~3 years who had one and I never once felt it. Short schlong schumpremashy I shupposhe

  5. Hasn’t ever caused a problem for us. Sometimes I can feel it a bit but it’s not anything bad, and it beats having kids

  6. Well, I could definitely feel the string, it felt like fishing wire poking my head. We were told it would eventually soften up, but we got pregnant before that happened and got it removed. Luckily baby was fine. Haven’t used one since.

  7. I tell my gf when I hit hers. We think it’s pretty hot knowing I’m right there at her cervix and that I’m going to cum all over it.

  8. My wife got one a few months ago and says it’s ruined her sex drive. Honestly it wasn’t like it was happening much at all before the IUD so no idea what’s going on other than I couldn’t tell you much about feeling it or not feeling it because it never happens

  9. Every once in awhile, ill hit one. Just have to not go so deep from that angle/position. Totally not a deal breaker.

  10. Hmmm. My ex had one and only rarely did I ever feel it. Not too sure what these guys are on about.

  11. It feels like metal wires poking in your.dick head
    I would have a bunch of tiny little cuts. Which then looked like a bunch of red marks. It hurt too.

  12. Wife had one for a little while. Stabbing poking straight to the head. Painful. Didn’t matter the position. She went back. Doc trimmed the wires, no change. I hurts like hell, and really effected our sex life. (She don’t do anal, I don’t ask) married for 12 years and only have slowed down to once every other day. 😎 Honestly I would look for alternative birth control that also has manageable side effects if possible if the guy your with is above average. Chances are you don’t have an unusually shallow vagina. So even slightly above average guys might still reach your cervix. It is literally painful to make love to you at this point so yea it’s the ULTIMATE birth control.

  13. I would get a stabby feeling in the tip of my dick sometimes but it was 100% worth being able to finish inside every time

  14. An ex of mine had it, idk that’s what I would feel but when we’d have sex sometimes I’d feel it, felt like pushing the tip of your finger against a wall.

  15. This is completely normal. Male here. Felt the strings, super odd sensation at first (think tentacles grabbing at your fingers) and since I could feel them during foreplay, she went back to Dr and had them trimmed. I could still feel them on occasion but it was not an issue for me. Like everything else sex related, it depends on both parties and the feelings/issues involved.

  16. I had mine for over 10 years, it was the copper one, and he never complained about it, but I would. I couldn’t comfortably do certain positions because it would be too uncomfortable or painful that we’d have to change positions. When I got it removed, turns out it left me with scarring, 3 noticeably benign cysts.

  17. My wife is on her third IUD, the first one would stab me with every thrust and was more uncomfortable than painful. When she went in for a checkup she mentioned it and they trimmed the string back. The next 3 she let them know of the issue so they’ve always kept it as short as possible and I’ve only felt them a few times. As far as how it feels, it was like repeatedly being poked with thick fishing string in your most sensitive areas.

  18. My wife got one and during one of our intimate times I felt a sharp pain….when I pulled out I was bleeding like a stuck pig from the head…her iud cut me.

  19. My wife has one. I’m 8 inches. We are both short. I’m 5’8” tall and she’s 5’7”. I have never felt it

  20. I’ve accidentally bumped out 3 in my previous escapades. The string feels awful if you’re sensitive down there, I don’t like them – but if you’re going raw then it beats having kids

  21. Just to be funny. Lol. I got an IUD but never had sex for almost 3 years.

  22. I was hooking up with a girl who had one. The strings were really annoying and hurt – ultimately made me lose the hard.

  23. Sometimes it pokes me right in the urethra but I’d rather deal with the minor discomfort sometimes than have her switch to other means that’ll affect her mood n stuff

  24. Wife has used one for years. We check it occasionally and avoid positions that would cause impact with her cervix.

  25. My gf has had an IUD on/off for a few years now. It’s great. Being able to jizz inside without a care in the world is the best thing ever.

    When she had her first IUD though, the strings kept poking me. One time as I was cumming they went inside my urethra. So that sucked. I don’t even have a monster dong or anything so Idk why that happened. She had them clipped and that was that.

    Nowadays I can only occasionally feel the strings. It never bothers me too much.

  26. generally not bad with most but there was one woman where i definitely felt the strings. it didnt kill, like we still finished, but it was def a bit uncomfortable, i guess kinda like being slightly scratched over and over

  27. I hooked up with a girl for a year that had one and I never felt it.

    Side note, we were both very drunk the first time and she told me I didn’t need a condom because she had an IUD. I had never heard of these before that and the next morning I was trying to remember everything and I was trying to figure out why she told me she had an IED in her.

  28. I’ve never had such an issue, but if someone finds your health decisions to be a deal breaker, I humbly suggest you take them up on the offer.

  29. Gf had one for a couple years, I think it ended up damaging her. I’m not sure how, but onto bc now which is much better. As weird as it sounds I’d prefer condoms despite less pleasure, I just don’t think bc does great things to a woman horomonally and I don’t want to risk my gf having some long term side effects

  30. Woman here! Just needed to share a comment I got during foreplay about my IUD that will haunt me forever: “Uhhh, yo…you know you got fishin’ line in here?”

  31. Wow I’m so glad this was asked. I used to think I was crazy for feeling it. I actually felt it quite a bit with an ex. Like it almost felt like I was hitting metal sometimes. Really stunted my libido for a second every time. It was certain angles. However I’d rather IUD to condoms 1000x. Condoms I just feel so much less sensation.

  32. I had the mirena IUD for about two years and my husband complained so much, even after trimming the strings, that eventually I changed to the copper IUD because the Dr said the strings on it are softer and whatnot… My husband still complains but not always, but we started using condoms sometimes because he says that way he knows it won’t happen and can enjoy it more…

    We’re on the way to a vasectomy and tying my tubes so we don’t have anything to worry anymore!

  33. My ex had an IUD and just after a couple of days we started having sex again and i never once felt it, they say that in the first weeks the IUD is still somewhat rigid and slowly becomes more wet and malleable but i never felt it

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