I’m interested in hearing what ex Londoners thought of different places. I’ve gone to uni outside london for a couple of years, it’s been a good experience overall but I definitely note some huge differences. Personally I find London has a higher standard for food than the rest of the country. That’s not to say everywhere else has bad food, but the quality where I live is (generally) better. That said I find London crowded and extremely busy, not to mention obscenely expensive.

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  2. I assume the biggest disadvantage you’re gonna find, notably as my girlfriend who’s been living outside of London, is that the further you go from London the less Westminster cares about you

  3. Biggest advantage was rent was much less.

    Second biggest was that Londoners are cunts, so getting away from them and interacting with normal people was a great relief.

    Biggest disadvantage is that pay tends to be lower outside of London.

  4. Ahhh I’m not the centre of the uk anymore! How will I even know if there’s anything to do near me? Is it shot everywhere or just where I was? Was the advantage cheaper living or was that surpassed by not being able to go to the west end on a Tuesday and catch a show and a cocktail. Shut that duck up and leave that shite “capital”. Touch grass, do heroin, have a £1.90 ale and finger a bird in a weatherspoons.
    Happy cake day you absolute bell end!

  5. It’s obvious?

    Less buzz and less job prospects in London.

    Cheaper living and more chill outside.

  6. Moved to Bedford from north London. Everything here is better, from the food to the people. Can’t recommend it enough.

  7. Moved from London to Cambridge a few years ago for work. It’s not much cheaper in the city centre but it’s a much smaller city so you hit suburbs and villages much quicker, which are significantly more affordable. Biggest advantage for me therefore has been actually buying a 2 bed house with a garden. For the same price in London I could maybe get a 1 bed in zone 4.

    Disadvantage is food, culture and events. There’s just much less to do, less variety.

  8. I was born in London and love it but seriously considering moving far out so I can buy somewhere to live

  9. I’m biased because I moved to London for a couple of years and then left. I was able to leave because of the pandemic or else I guess I’d still be there but that would purely have been because the unique circumstances that allowed me to move back wouldn’t have occurred.

    I found it too hot in the summer. I know people take the piss out of Scottish weather but I spent the whole of your heatwave celebrating that I wasn’t in London. My eyes used to weep all the time, I thought I must have a medical issue and spent a fortune on eyedrops but it cleared up as soon as I moved away so I think now it must have been the pollution. I appreciate there’s a lot on your doorstep but I very very rarely did any of it. I go to events much more here and they’re generally more reasonably priced. I much prefer being somewhere more personal and I think the food is perfectly comparable.

    As you might have gathered, I was never that sold on London in the first place so that makes my opinion heavily biased but I think you can definitely live every bit as well outside of London. It also tends to be a place that’s fairly easy to get to from most places simply because there’s so much that goes on there so it’s never a big problem to go back occasionally if you want to.

  10. Disadvantage – the public transport in London is, in the whole, fantastic.
    Advantage – money goes further outside London.

  11. Advantages – could afford to buy a house, grow fruit trees, Brew my own beer, access to beautiful countryside, easy access to motorway network.

    Disadvantages – a car is a necessity and gets expensive. Longer commutes and have to spend more on train fare.

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