So I was just talking with my mom, and I told her in casual conversation that I was going to see if one of my friends wanted to facetime sometime.

I was thinking of approaching it like: “Would you like to facetime sometime?” It is the same way I would approach hanging out etc.

My mom thought this was the same as saying “perhaps we can facetime sometime,” and said I should approach it as “I would like to facetime, when are you available?” Is this truly better? Have I been doing things wrong when it comes to this all my life? I viewed my way as casual, as a “hey, I’m not pressuring you into anything, if you’re interested you’re interested, if you’re not you’re not,” has this in fact not been what I’ve been doing?

This is the first I’ve been hearing about this, and I want to make sure I approach things like this correctly.

  1. So I think your mom may have suggested a different wording because some people think that being more forward communicates interest where as your way of wording it might be read as simply being polite but not interested. If you ask for availability, you assume both of you are interested.

    However, depending on the friend, this difference is negligible. I have a close friend who I say, we’ll FaceTime without asking availability because we both understand this to mean we’ll talk when we talk. The trust we have is what assures me that we will actually talk even if we don’t set a time.

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