So, I was ghosted after I asked him if he was dating other people.
We both stated that we were looking for a relationship. Things seemed to be going pretty well. Lots of chemistry and compatibility. He made me feel comfortable. We snuggled a lot and he was kind and affectionate.
We had sex, so I thought that it would be reasonable for me to ask him if he was dating other people. Then, nothing. All texting stopped with him. No response to my questipn. No more good morning texts. What is going on here?

  1. He either lost interest after getting sex, or he didn’t want to tell you he’s seeing their women. Or he assumed you were about to have the DTR talk and he bailed to avoid it.

  2. I wouldn’t ask if someone is dating other people but if you’re ready to DTR, say as much. “I’m no longer wanting to date anyone else because I want to see where this goes. You said you’re looking for a relationship and I wanted to see how you felt about doing the same”

    They might be dating other people but could say, “I agree, I want to be exclusive” and cut things off with anything else they had going on.

  3. It seems to me that you hit the nail on the head with that question and he ghosted you.

  4. Yeah I would’ve just asked this before sleeping with him too many men are out here playing women.

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