What are your opinions on women only nightclubs?

  1. Could be fun, could be boring. All depends on the people I’m with, the drinks, the music. Is it an overpriced cocktail loud dance music club? Pass. Is it a dive bar with cheap beer and a jukebox? Hell yes.

  2. I like the idea, I just think it gets messy when it comes to including/excluding trans and non binary people.

  3. I’ve never heard about it, but it actually sounds nice, I could try it. It just makes me sad that it is necessary (assuming that one of the reasons is safety).

  4. I would have the best time of my life there cause I’d feel safer and more comfortable, I wish they were more common cause I’m sure many women would love them as a source of fun. Ladies please let’s open women only nightclubs!!

  5. I’ve never actually seen or been in one where that was a requirement (not even in lesbian clubs). I can see where it would be really nice in places that require gender separation so that women would have a place to go enjoy themselves, but I don’t see how it would work in most other places.

  6. I’m a lesbian so… yes please?

    I want to feel safe and get to be surrounded by women who want to dance and have fun without having to constantly worry about who’s near me

  7. I’ve been to a couple in London and they were by far the best nights out I’ve had. I’ve never felt more comfortable or chilled on a dance floor. Not feeling some strange, drunk man pressing his groin in to me while I’m dancing is something I cherish.

  8. Are these common? Maybe in the US?

    Here in Europe I have never come across any. (aside from the occasionally Women-only nights at bars or movie-theaters)

  9. I didn’t know this was an option. My opinion is hell yes. It’s the drunk girls in the bathroom at the club giving each other compliments that make a night out for me anyway.

    If I knew I was going out and I was going to be surrounded by that kind of female energy all night and didn’t have to worry about men I feel like I would have freedom I have never felt when I’ve been out before. Imagine not having to watch your drink and feeling like everyone is there just to have a good time and not for predatory reasons? It’s making me happy just thinking about the possibility of this space

  10. Pretty sure me and my friends will have fun and feel safe. Realistically though I don’t think the bar might last long financially. Guys tend to pay “entrance fee” or order an abundance of drinks while most girls tend to stick to 1 or 2 drinks.

  11. I think it’d be good. Especially for women who are just looking to dance and have some drinks and enjoy the company of their friends or other women.

  12. I took a class in college called Women’s Backpacking – full semester. We studied and observed the differences between hiking with mixed groups and womens-only. Ultimately most agreed that womens-only was less competitive and aggressive, more restful breaks, more fun!

  13. I think they’re a great idea, but it depresses me we need them in the first place.

  14. I’m straight but not really interested in going to clubs to hook up, so I think it could be really fun and I would at least go check it out!

  15. I would love it. For once I wouldn’t have to worry about being groped by a group of men circling me and my friends

  16. I think it’s nice that the option is there, but I probably wouldn’t be going to one. I know that most criminals are men and it’s a lot less likely to be harmed or harassed by a woman, but I just refuse to behave as if men in general are a threat.

  17. Probably the only nightclubs I will attend, not a fan of men presence while I have fun/not being cautious

  18. Eh. Honestly only ever used nightclubs for hookups. I’m an introvert so they generally aren’t my bag outside of that.

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