How do you become comfortable with spending time alone?

  1. Personally I love being alone.

    I get excited by the endless possibilities. I can watch whatever TV show/movie I want. I can eat what I want. I don’t have to ask permission or consider that another person doesn’t want to do what I want to do.

  2. Practice. My husband works overseas for extended periods of time so I didn’t really have a choice. After the first few weeks I started to enjoy the silence and calming nature of not having to entertain or engage. I obviously miss the shit out of him, but a little solitude gave me a new lense of focus.

  3. Growing up I didn’t have many friends and no sidlings. And my parents work a lot. So I’m kinda used to being alone.

  4. To become comfortable with being alone you’ll need to become comfortable with yourself. Meaning you have to be your own safe space.

  5. When you grow up with annoying siblings alone time feels like you hit the lottery.

  6. I guess the question is for those who have never enjoyed being by themselves…so if you have always loved it, no need to respond.

  7. Practice. Try to view it as a gift rather than a weird thing. Use it as time to do the activities where others can’t or don’t want to join you.

  8. I never really have. I listen to podcasts and read a lot and post on here to feel like I am in contact with other people/can hear someone’s voice. I don’t enjoy being alone and I avoid it when I can and when I can’t I fill the time with other ways of being on contact or feeling like someone is with me. I am extroverted to the extreme and being alone just saps my energy and drags down my mood.

  9. Grow up in an insufferable household lol. More seriously though, I just filled my alone with hobbies I enjoyed. That’s how I got into reading early on as a child.

  10. Good question. It definitely takes time and practice. Start by doing small things that make you happy by yourself. Getting a coffee. Sitting in a park reading. Shopping. Going to a movie alone is a great stepping stone because you’re not expected to talk to anyone anyway. Soon enough you’ll be taking yourself out to dinner and really cherishing your time alone.

  11. Never had to do anything to get in the mood. It’s always just come natural to me.

  12. I love being able to do things on my own terms. Rather than framing it as a negative thing, consider all the possibilities when you don’t have someone else to consider. You get to spend your time and money however you want. The only thing stopping you is yourself, which you have control over. Being alone can be very empowering.

  13. I love it because I feel really uncomfortable around other people. There are just a few number of people I feel comfortable with and those are the ones I prefer to be with instead of being alone, but that’s it.

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