I (19F) like this guy (22M), I asked him on a date a few weeks ago. We’ve been on a few dates since and we talk almost every night since our schedules only allow for night calls.

He has told me before that he is not very interested in chasing after people. I don’t want to be a hopeless puppy and think I’m going to change him. I probably won’t, but I also am tired of making the first moves on guys.

But I really enjoy talking to him, we are both very creative and share our talents with each other and he is very free minded, I feel like he adds onto my life so well. We don’t bother each other but we come together at the end of the day to share our thoughts and what music/art we’ve created. I feel like this isn’t very conventional as many people nowadays stay on the phone for hours and talk for long periods of time (no hate to people who do) but it feels like there’s a balance.

Regardless of all the amazing things I’ve mentioned I still don’t know fully what is intentions are. I told a friend I’m willing to wait about another month or so to see where things go. Is this too bold? Do I like him too much? Maybe he feels the same but??? Idk 💀.

  1. Contrary to popular thinking I don’t think a chase needs to be initiated.

    Just keep hanging out with each other and see what happens.

  2. I think the whole ‘chase’ concept should just die. It’s just glorified game-playing and goes way back to discouraging women from making ANY effort because if you did you were cheap and chasing instead of letting the guy be The Man.

    Ugh with that last century thinking.

    Besides, you’ve only been seeing each other for a few weeks. How could either of you have any ‘intentions’? You barely know each other!

    If you like him, continue to talk and hang out. If you don’t, don’t. But make your judgments based on his personality, character, and merits of the relationship. Not bullshitty stuff like who’s doing the ‘chasing’, or that ‘chasing’ needs to be had, etc.

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